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搜索关键字:systems    ( 1149个结果
System and method for dynamically adjusting to CPU performance changes
FIELD OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention is related to computing systems, and more particularly to a system and method for adjusting to changes in ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-15 09:09:28    阅读次数:345
DELL R720服务器安装Windows Server 2008 R2 操作系统图文详解
DELL R720服务器安装Windows Server 2008 R2 操作系统图文详解说明:此文章中部分图片为网络搜集,所以不一定为DELL R720服务器安装界面,但可保证界面内容接近DELL R720安装界面一、安装前准备物品DELL R720服务器及其相关硬件DELL Systems Ma...
分类:Windows程序   时间:2014-07-14 23:37:51    阅读次数:526
Linux and the storage ecosystem
Linux is the Swiss Army knife of file systems, and it also offers a wide variety of storage technologies for both desktops and servers. Beyond the fil...
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-07-13 11:46:04    阅读次数:527
django book chapter 2
Django’s optional GIS (Geographic Information Systems) support requires Python 2.5 to 2.7.这里提到了django的GIS,貌似是个挺有意思的东西,以后要研究一下。In case you’re curious: ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-13 08:45:43    阅读次数:212
PatentTips - Systems, methods, and devices for dynamic resource monitoring and allocation in a cluster system
BACKGROUND1. FieldThe embodiments of the disclosure generally relate to computer clusters, and more particularly to systems, methods, and devices for ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-12 15:46:47    阅读次数:265
PatentTips - Scheduling compute kernel workgroups to heterogeneous processors based on historical processor execution times and utilizations
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates generally to heterogeneous computer systems.2. Background ArtComput...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-12 14:44:24    阅读次数:296
相似度计算是数据挖掘,推荐引擎中的最基本问题,例如在推荐系统(Recommender Systems,简称RSs)中计算带推荐物品(Item)相似度,或是用户(User)之间的相似度以期获得兴趣口味(Taste)相似的用户时,均需要使用到相似度计算技术。经常使用的相似度计算方式较多,且各有特点, 以...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-07 12:09:43    阅读次数:448
时域分析和图示 EMA.TimingDesigner.v9.2
时域分析和图示 EMA.TimingDesigner.v9.2 一款灵活、交互式的时域分析和图示工具。适用于数字集成电路和印刷电路板设计。 Forte Design Systems公司的Chronology部门发布了新版本的TimingDesigner交互式时序分析和图表工具,以增强其项目管理和时序...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-06 22:56:00    阅读次数:364
Registering RHEL6 Clients into spacewalk
Before Starting(login to spacwalk server)1.Create a base channel within Spacewalk (Channels > Manage Software Channels > Create New Channel)2.systems-...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-06 20:53:36    阅读次数:203
如何一步一步删除(linux & UNIX)环境下 oracle 11g 集群节点
?? Deleting a Cluster Node on Linux and UNIX Systems 1.确定要删除的节点,是否active,pinned $ olsnodes -s -t 如果 pinned ,则crsctl unpin css  -n   unpinned 相应的节点 2、禁用相应集群节点的应用资源,进程 先停掉 em: emctl sto...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-07-06 11:48:28    阅读次数:309
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