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搜索关键字:database    ( 14189个结果
Use Drush to Export/Import a Drupal MySQL Database Dump File
So today I wanted to learn how to export a Drupal database to a file quickly. Back in the day I would've logged in through cPanel and navigated to PHP...
分类:数据库   时间:2015-02-04 10:50:17    阅读次数:202
Components of the Impala Server
Components of the Impala ServerThe Impala server is a distributed, massively parallel processing (MPP) database engine. It consists of different daemo...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-02-04 10:44:55    阅读次数:372
1. Log on to the database server (as oracle) where the GoldenGate software is installed.[root@oracle ~]# su - oracle[oracle@oracle ~]$ 2.Change direct...
分类:系统相关   时间:2015-02-04 10:38:26    阅读次数:208
安装zabbix 1. 准备好lamp架构(安装好mysql,php) 2.在数据库中授权: MariaDB [(none)]> create database zabbix charset utf8; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.33 sec) MariaDB [(no...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-02-03 22:47:18    阅读次数:310
分布式文件系统的实现 1 配置数据库节点node5( Mysql的cmake编译与安装,详细步步骤参照我的"Mysql的cmake编译与安装博文" [root@node5 ~]# mysql MariaDB [(none)]> create database mogilefs...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-02-03 22:32:54    阅读次数:353
数据库学习之基础篇① 开放数据库互连(OpenDatabaseConnectivity,ODBC② 结构化查询语言(StructuredQueryLanguage)③ 进入mysql:Mysql-ucz-pcz;④ 显示系统的database:showdatabases;⑤ 创建database:c...
分类:数据库   时间:2015-02-03 21:20:06    阅读次数:277
1. 停应用层的各种程序。 $lsnrctl stop 3. 在独占的系统用户下,备份控制文件: SQL>alter database backup controlfile to trace; SQL>alter system switch logfile; 5. 在独占...
分类:数据库   时间:2015-02-03 21:05:32    阅读次数:229
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