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搜索关键字:c. dzy loves sequences    ( 1332个结果
Codeforces Beta Round #85 (Div. 1 Only) C (状态压缩或是数学?)
C. Petya and SpidersLittle Petya loves training spiders. Petya has a boardn?×?min size. Each cell of the board initially has a spider sitting on it. A...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-17 01:04:31    阅读次数:245
ZOJ1463:Brackets Sequence(区间DP)
Let us define a regular brackets sequence in the following way: 1. Empty sequence is a regular sequence. 2. If S is a regular sequence, then (S) and [S] are both regular sequences. 3. If A an...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-16 15:10:30    阅读次数:262
hdu 4878 ZCC loves words(AC自动机+dp+矩阵快速幂+中国剩余定理)
hdu 4878 ZCC loves words(AC自动机+dp+矩阵快速幂+中国剩余定理) 题意:给出若干个模式串,总长度不超过40,对于某一个字符串,它有一个价值,对于这个价值的计算方法是这样的,设初始价值为V=1,假如这个串能匹配第k个模式串,则V=V*prime[k]*(i+len[k]),其中prime[k]表示第k个素数,i表示匹配的结束位置,len[k]表示第k个模式串的长度(注...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-14 20:37:19    阅读次数:359
Oracle导入(imp )与导出(exp )
导出exp username/password@orcl file=db.dmp导入imp username/password@orcl file=h:\db.dmp full=y备注:在导入之前,请先清除Views、Sequences、Tables也可以使用Bat文件导出Bat文件内容如下:@ec...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-08-12 10:04:43    阅读次数:289
2014 (多校)1011 ZCC Loves Codefires
自从做了多校,整个人都不好了,老是被高中生就算了,题老是都不懂=-=原谅我是个菜鸟,原谅我智力不行。唯一的水题。Problem Description Though ZCC has many Fans, ZCC himself is a crazy Fan of a coder, called .....
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-09 21:06:09    阅读次数:259
POJ - 2442 Sequence
Description Given m sequences, each contains n non-negative integer. Now we may select one number from each sequence to form a sequence with m integers. It's clear that we may get n ^ m this kind o...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-08 16:10:06    阅读次数:236
HDU 4879 ZCC loves march(并查集+set)
题意:一个最大10^18*10^18的矩阵,给你最多十万个士兵的位置,分别分布在矩阵里,可能会位置重复,然后有2种操作,一种是把第i个士兵向上下左右移动,另一种是把第i个士兵与他横坐标纵坐标相同的士兵全部移到这个点上,然后要计算花费。 这道题我想了好几天。在看了标程得到一些提示后总算写出来了。加了读入优化后快了100ms左右达到546ms。 做法:开2个set分别维护X相同的和Y相同的,但是会...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-06 19:20:22    阅读次数:465
STL--F - Sequence(n*m->求最小的前m个和)
F - Sequence Time Limit:6000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Description Given m sequences, each contains n non-negative integer. Now we ma...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-05 00:51:18    阅读次数:284
POJ2442——Squence(二叉堆+动态规划 | 滚动数组)
本文出自:http://blog.csdn.net/svitter 题意分析: Given m sequences, each contains n non-negative integer. Now we may select one number from each sequence to form a sequence with m integers. It's clear ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-03 12:54:15    阅读次数:912
Codeforces Beta Round #91 (Div. 1 Only) E. Lucky Array
E. Lucky ArrayPetya loves lucky numbers. Everybody knows that lucky numbers are positive integers whose decimal representation contains only the lucky...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-02 23:22:24    阅读次数:389
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