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搜索关键字:builds has been thro    ( 12534个结果
【leetcode】Search a 2D Matrix
Write an efficient algorithm that searches for a value in anmxnmatrix. This matrix has the following properties:Integers in each row are sorted from l...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-28 15:14:05    阅读次数:194
Host 'localhost' has multiple addresses. 解决办法
phpstorm调试php错误提示:Host 'localhost' has multiple addresses. You must choose one explicitly!Couldn't create FastCGI listen socket on port localhost:3568...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-28 14:22:59    阅读次数:283
Leetcode: Linked List Cycle
Given a linked list, determine if it has a cycle in it.Follow up:Can you solve it without using extra space?Analysis: typical Runner Technique. 一次过 1 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-28 13:44:51    阅读次数:164
The Changing Bags Has A Lot To Offer
Upon selecting a bag as a gift, it is necessary to take into account the contents of the bag. You can choose from a variety of materials such as silk,...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-28 11:40:33    阅读次数:213
Java基础教程 - 组合
1. 什么是组合?如果一个类的对象和另一个类满足"has-a"关系的话,我们就可以在一个类中,把另一个类的对象作为其对象成员。 什么是"has-a"关系,举个例子:现在有一个类LapTop.class,还有一个是Moniter.class。好显然,Laptop "has-a" Moniter,也就是...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-06-24 10:12:34    阅读次数:240
No form of payment has been added yet.
You may select a form of payment after your account balance reaches $10.00.Learn more显然是说达到10美元以后才可以选择一个收款的Form
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-24 10:09:20    阅读次数:204
source insight Confirm by typing ‘yes' below"、"has been changed outside of the editor. Do you want to reload the file?"、“
阅读内核代码习惯和喜欢使用source insight。如果能在source insight上修改内核代码,同时又不需要把修改的内核代码再拷贝到虚拟ubuntu上去那就方便了。于是想通过用samba与xp共享的方式来实现。即xp、samba、虚拟ubuntu9.10等工具。事实上是可以的,用sour...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-24 09:57:21    阅读次数:391
How to proxy a web site by apache2 in Ubuntu
Install apache2To execute the install command in terminal:sudo apt-get install apache2Then, we can find that the apache2 has been installed in "/etc/"...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-06-24 09:39:53    阅读次数:363
hust 1546 && hdu 3911 Black And White
题目描述There are a bunch of stones on the beach; Stone color is white or black. Little Sheep has a magic brush, she can change the color of a continuous ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-22 23:46:15    阅读次数:199
[LeetCode] Merge Sorted Array
Given two sorted integer arrays A and B, merge B into A as one sorted array.Note: You may assume that A has enough space (size that is greater or equa...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-20 15:25:50    阅读次数:225
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