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搜索关键字:teacher    ( 1327个结果
HDU - 4952 Number Transformation
Problem Description Teacher Mai has an integer x. He does the following operations k times. In the i-th operation, x becomes the least integer no less than x, which is the multiple of i. He wan...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-14 20:39:59    阅读次数:256
HDU - 4950 Monster
Problem Description Teacher Mai has a kingdom. A monster has invaded this kingdom, and Teacher Mai wants to kill it. Monster initially has h HP. And it will die if HP is less than 1. Teacher Ma...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-14 20:39:09    阅读次数:283
Lesson 53-54 Are you willing to help others?
1 philosopher哲学家 eg. He is a teacher by occupation,but a philosopher by inclination.他的职业是教师,但他的本心是成为哲学家 2 altruism 利他主义,无私n eg. Altruism is crucial fo...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-12 08:56:43    阅读次数:209
UVA 1397 - The Teacher's Side of Math(高斯消元)
UVA 1397 - The Teacher's Side of Math 题目链接 题意:给定一个x=a1/m+b1/n,求原方程组 思路:由于m*n最多20,所有最高项只有20,然后可以把每个此项拆分,之后得到n种不同无理数,每一项为0,就可以设系数为变元,构造方程进行高斯消元 一开始用longlong爆了,换成分数写法也爆了,又不想改高精度,最后是机智的用了doubl...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-09 23:21:45    阅读次数:485
多对多关联: 示例:Teacher和Student,一个Teacher可以教很多student,一个Student也可以被很多teacher教 多对多单向关联 Teacher知道自己教了哪些学生,Student不知道教自己的有哪些老师 在Teacher中建(Set集合形式的)Student对象,并添...
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-08-07 22:02:26    阅读次数:334
一、数据表 Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex) 学生表 S#:学号;Sname:学生姓名;Sage:学生年龄;Ssex:学生性别 Course(C#,Cname,T#) 课程表 C#,课程编号;Cname:课程名字;T#:教师编号 SC(S#,C#,score) 成绩表 S#:学号;C#,课程编号;score:成绩 Teacher(T#,Tname) 教师表 T#:教师编号; Tname:教师名字...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-08-06 22:56:32    阅读次数:450
周赛 POJ 3934 Queue
Description Linda is a teacher in ACM kindergarten. She is in charge of n kids. Because the dinning hall is a little bit far away from the classroom, those n kids have to walk in line to the dinnin...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-06 10:37:51    阅读次数:257
Lesson 39-40 Do you like your job?
一 Words 1 ought to 应该v 2 occupation 职业n,占用v eg. He is a teacher by occupation but a philosopher by inclination倾向,爱好.他的职业是教师,但他的本心是成为哲学家。 3 job satisfa...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-04 08:17:06    阅读次数:324
学生表 课程表 成绩表 教师表 50个常用sql语句[转]
Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex)学生表Course(C#,Cname,T#)课程表SC(S#,C#,score)成绩表Teacher(T#,Tname)教师表create tableStudent(S#varchar(20),Snamevarchar(10),Sageint,S...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-07-31 12:43:06    阅读次数:426
uva 1489 - Math teacher's homework(数位dp)
题目链接:uva 1489 - Math teacher's homework 题目大意:给定n,k,以及序列m1,m2,…,mn, 要求找到一个长度为n的序列,满足0=xi=mi, 并且x1XORx2XOR…XORxn=k 解题思路:数位dp,在网上看了别人的代码,高大上。。。 假设有二进制数 k : 00001xxxx mi:0001xxxxx, 那么对于xi即可...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-30 23:59:05    阅读次数:692
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