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搜索关键字:each    ( 14050个结果
leetcode - Copy List with Random Pointer
A linked list is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer which could point to any node in the list or null. Return a deep copy of the list. /** * Definition for singly-l...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-26 15:07:08    阅读次数:181
uva 11806 Cheerleaders(容斥)
题意:如何摆放拉拉队的问题,在矩形网格m*n中,k名拉拉队员,要求四周网格中each side有至少一名拉拉队员,corner有人算两边,问有多少种摆法? 思路:容斥; c[m*n][k] -- c[(n-1)*m][k] U c[(n-1)*m][k] U c[n*(m-1)][k] U c[n*(m-1)][k] #include #include #include #...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-26 12:21:51    阅读次数:245
maven下载源码和java docs
方法一:mvn dependency:sourcesmvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadocThe first command will attempt to download source code for each of the dependenci...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-09-26 01:11:48    阅读次数:245
POJ 3281 Dining
ISAP最大流...果粉专用的最大流 Dining Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 9573   Accepted: 4417 Description Cows are such finicky eaters. Each cow...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-25 23:53:58    阅读次数:180
POJ - 1743 Musical Theme (后缀数组求不可重叠最长重复子串)
Description A musical melody is represented as a sequence of N (1<=N<=20000)notes that are integers in the range 1..88, each representing a key on the piano. It is unfortunate but true that this ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-25 23:11:58    阅读次数:239
LeetCode: Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
题目: Evaluate Reverse Polish NotationEvaluatethe value of an arithmetic expression in Reverse Polish Notation. Valid operators are +, -, *, /. Each ope...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-25 22:20:17    阅读次数:201
zoj1610 线段树
1 //Accepted 804 KB 40 ms 2 //整个题,都是坑 3 //1.The first line of each data set contains exactly one integer n, 4 //1 9 #include 10 #include...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-25 22:14:17    阅读次数:260
Leetcode_num11_Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
题目: Given a sorted linked list, delete all duplicates such that each element appear only once. 这道链表的题也比较简单,目标是为了去重,只是需要注意在去重的过程中需要使用while循环,使一个节点的下一个节点必须指向与其不同的节点 上代码咯 # Definition for singly-li...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-25 18:39:57    阅读次数:193
[jQuery] jQuery如何获取同一个类标签的所有的值
碰巧在开发的时候遇到这个问题,因为jQuery总是只返回第一个类标签的值,所以无法达到我们的要求。比如:1 var btn = jQuery('.btn').val();获取的只是第一个类标签为btn的html元素的value值。要获得一组类标签的所有html元素的值。就得使用jQuery的each...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-09-25 12:37:09    阅读次数:197
今天遇到一个问题需要调试,但是只能通过日志打印调试,就用到了error_log这个函数  需要打印的是一台服务器发送到我们服务器的post数据 代码:(key和value都打印了) if(!empty($_POST) ){  while (list($key, $val) = each($_POST))   {  @error_log("$key => $val", 3,'/tmp/t...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-09-25 12:18:18    阅读次数:171
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