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搜索关键字:cigarette coup buy cheap luck    ( 1603个结果
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock <leetcode>
Say you have an array for which theithelement is the price of a given stock on dayi.If you were only permitted to complete at most one transaction (ie...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-07 13:24:55    阅读次数:229
POJ 2828——Buy Tickets(树状数组,线段树——逆序遍历)
Buy Tickets Time Limit: 4000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 13496   Accepted: 6726 Description Railway tickets were difficult to buy around the Lunar New Y...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-04 10:35:20    阅读次数:276
POJ 2828 Buy Tickets (线段树 单点更新 插队问题)
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-03 18:13:56    阅读次数:208
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There cheap ghd hair straighteners has never been anyone else like you on the earth nor will there ever be again. And unless you are the identical twi...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-02 15:27:04    阅读次数:271
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I am afraid to return to a salon while my hair cheap ghd hair straightener is this short but when I try to straighten/blow dry/curl or use products up...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-01 15:28:03    阅读次数:240
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-08-31 15:44:41    阅读次数:200
LeetCode--Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (贪心策略 or 动态规划)
Best Time to Buy and Sell StockTotal Accepted:14044Total Submissions:45572My SubmissionsSay you have an array for which theithelement is the price of ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-31 14:30:51    阅读次数:249
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 解题思路
题目要求:最多交易两次,并且只能买卖完之后再买。总思路:在数组中找一个适当的点i,使得profit之和最大。思路:1、从左往右扫描,left[i]记录包括i元素以内的左部的maxprofit,用Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 1可得到。2、从右往左扫描,right[i...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-31 13:13:21    阅读次数:171
leetcode - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
Say you have an array for which theithelement is the price of a given stock on dayi.If you were only permitted to complete at most one transaction (ie...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-31 13:05:01    阅读次数:176
codeforces A#264. Caisa and Sugar
Caisa is going to have a party and he needs to buy the ingredients for a big chocolate cake. For that he is going to the biggest supermarket in town. Unfortunately, he has just s dollars for sugar. B...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-30 21:47:30    阅读次数:255
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