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搜索关键字:first artical(标签)    ( 14117个结果
----资源来自于官网教程 Simple Example Use Cases MovieLens User Ratings First, create a table with tab-delimited text file format: CREATE TABLE u_data ( userid INT, movieid INT, rati...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-11 06:32:36    阅读次数:407
ACdream群赛1112(Alice and Bob)
题意:http://acdream.info/problem?pid=1112 Problem Description Here  is Alice and Bob again ! Alice and Bob are playing a game. There are several numbers.First, Alice choose a number n.Then he c...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-10 14:48:56    阅读次数:236
一直在使用js编写自以为是面向对象的方法,遇到一个问题,就是定义一个方法,如下:          function ListCommon2(first,second,third) {   this.First=function () {    alert("first do"+first); }     }  ListCommon2.do...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-06-10 13:53:01    阅读次数:240
【leetcode】Merge Two Sorted Lists
Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new list. The new list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists.水题不解释,一A,...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-10 08:58:37    阅读次数:191
Uva 11489 - Integer Game
Two players, S and T, are playing a game where they make alternate moves. S plays first.  In this game, they start with an integer N. In each move, a player removes one digit from the integer and p...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-10 06:31:29    阅读次数:302
定义 迭代器模式(Iterator Pattern)提供一种方法访问一个容器对象中各个元素,而又不需暴露该对象内部细节。 迭代器模式通用类图 Iterator抽象迭代器 抽象迭代器负责定义访问和遍历元素的接口,而且基本上是有固定的3个方法:First()获取第一个元素,Next()访问下一个元素,I...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-09 20:55:24    阅读次数:316
[leetcode]First Missing Positive @ Python
原题地址:https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/first-missing-positive/题意:Given an unsorted integer array, find the first missing positive integer.For example,G...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-06-09 17:44:43    阅读次数:980
How to make a simplest WCF service work on Win7 with VS2010
You know as a beginner to learn WCF, the first thing is to make a simplest WCF service work like a classic "Hello World" console application. Now I wi...
分类:Windows程序   时间:2014-06-09 14:24:42    阅读次数:523
ASP.NET MVC3 系列教程 - 模型
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-06-08 19:27:12    阅读次数:306
T4 生成实体和简单的CRUD操作
1) { string after = field.Substring(1); result = first + after; } return result; ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-08 19:19:20    阅读次数:347
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