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My First Blog
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-22 23:12:15    阅读次数:305
auto:推导类型变量:编译器选项指示编译器如何使用auto 关键字来声明变量。如果指定默认选项/Zc:auto,编译器从其初始化表达式中推导声明的变量的类型。如果指定/Zc:auto-,编译器将该变量分配给自动存储类。使用示例:auto root = new TreeNode(*pre_first...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-07-22 23:12:12    阅读次数:531
time_t first, second;first = time(NULL);// 你的程序 ...............second = time(NULL);printf("The difference is: %f seconds\n",difftime(se...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-22 23:08:54    阅读次数:216
Bootstrap 表格
Bootstrap 的简单表格实例 Example of Table with twitter bootstrap Student-ID First Name Last Name ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-22 23:06:56    阅读次数:327
uva 11324
Problem B: The Largest CliqueGiven a directed graphG, consider the following transformation. First, create a new graphT(G)to have the same vertex set ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-01 14:09:34    阅读次数:357
Heroku installation
It is the first time that I use heroku. But I encountered some problems installing it. Luckily, I resolved the problem.(In windows 8)Step 1: Sign up.....
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-01 12:32:50    阅读次数:317
Writing your first Django
Quick install guide1.1 Install Python, it works with Python2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3. All these version of Python include a lightweight database SQLite, so y...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-30 23:14:34    阅读次数:566
Timus 1446. Sorting Hat 分类问题
At the start of each school year, a very important event happens at Hogwarts. Each of the first-year wizards and witches is assigned to one of the four Hogwarts houses. The bravest children are put ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-29 13:38:20    阅读次数:459
Linux 内核 hlist 详解
在Linux内核中,hlist(哈希链表)使用非常广泛。本文将对其数据结构和核心函数进行分析。 和hlist相关的数据结构有两个:hlist_head 和 hlist_node //hash桶的头结点 struct hlist_head { struct hlist_node *first;//指向每一个hash桶的第一个结点的指针 }; //hash桶的普通结点 struct hl...
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-04-27 21:24:06    阅读次数:579
ccnuacm training first week...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-27 21:18:05    阅读次数:281
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