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搜索关键字:sharepoint search    ( 14530个结果
【LeetCode】- Search Insert Position(查找插入的位置)
[ 问题: ] Given a sorted array and a target value, return the index if the target is found. If not, return the index where it would be if it were inserted in order. You may assume no duplicates in th...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-22 23:01:15    阅读次数:270
Ubuntu 12.04 安装WPS
1. 安装包下载:wps官网的 debian .deb 包 2 根据wifi说明,需要一下三个lib: libtiff.so.4 libpng12.so.0 libjpeg.so.62 通过以下命令查看是否具备: liaoqianwen@liaoqianwen-F80S:~ aptitude search libtiff 如果没有,安装: liao...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-22 22:59:35    阅读次数:343
templateT my_search(T first1, T last1, T first2, T last2){ int d1 = distance(first1, last1); int d2 = distance(first2, last2); if(d1 < d2) ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-04 19:54:06    阅读次数:226
【译】 AWK教程指南 附录E-正则表达式
为什么要使用正则表达式 UNIX 中提供了许多 指令 和 tools,它们具有在文件中 查找(Search)字串或替换(Replace)字串 的功能。像 grep, vi , sed, awk,...不论是查找字串或替换字串,都得先告诉这些指令所要查找(被替换)的字串为何。若未能预先明确知道所要查....
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-04 11:24:00    阅读次数:312
Validate Binary Search Tree
Given a binary tree, determine if it is a valid binary search tree (BST).Assume a BST is defined as follows:The left subtree of a node contains only n...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-02 15:03:57    阅读次数:386
leetcode: Search a 2D Matrix
Write an efficient algorithm that searches for a value in anmxnmatrix. This matrix has the following properties:Integers in each row are sorted from l...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-02 10:41:53    阅读次数:267
leetcode: Search Insert Position
Given a sorted array and a target value, return the index if the target is found. If not, return the index where it would be if it were inserted in or...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-02 09:54:11    阅读次数:269
方法1(快速,以理解,可以封装):SPList spListQuestion = spWeb.Lists["Question List"];for (int i = spListQuestion.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--){ spListQuestion.Ite...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-01 21:01:37    阅读次数:448
方法1:Guid guid = new Guid ("{8238B046-EC5F-46B6-8E18-028F77EC2620}");SPSite Asite = new SPSite ("http://mosslt/");SPList list = Asite.RootWeb.Lists[gui...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-01 18:38:35    阅读次数:290
SharePoint 2013/2010 根据当前用户的某个属性过滤搜索结果
本文讲述如何在SharePoint 2013/2010 中根据当前用户的某个属性过滤搜索结果。...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-01 08:35:52    阅读次数:317
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