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codeforces Towers 题解
Little Vasya has received a young builder’s kit. The kit consists of several wooden bars, the lengths of all of them are known. The bars can be put one on the top of the other if their lengths are the...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-22 23:01:53    阅读次数:323
"I ask you, have you ever known what it is to be an orphan?"
/*  * Determine if a process group is "orphaned", according to the POSIX  * definition in  Orphaned process groups are not to be affected  * by terminal-generated stop signals.  Newly orp...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-07 16:23:22    阅读次数:383
UVALive 6525 Attacking rooks
点击打开链接 6525 - Attacking rooks Chess inspired problems are a common source of exercises in algorithms classes. Starting with the well known 8-queens problem, several generalizations and variatio...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-07 08:51:26    阅读次数:428
按端口号可分为3大类:(1)公认端口(Well Known Ports):从0到1023,它们紧密绑定(binding)于一些服务。通常这些端口的通讯明确表明了某种服务的协议。例如:80端口实际上总是HTTP通讯。(2)注册端口(Registered Ports):从1024到49151。它们松散地...
分类:Windows程序   时间:2014-05-04 11:28:22    阅读次数:445
NHibernate 支持的数据库及配置参数
理论上支持的数据库NHibernate is primarily tested on Microsoft SQL Server 2000. It is also known to work on these databases:Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2000Oracle...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-04-30 20:52:25    阅读次数:842
Java Synchronization
Intrinsic Locks and Synchronization Synchronization is built around an internal entity known as theintrinsic lockormonitor lock. (The API specificati....
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-04-29 16:31:18    阅读次数:668
sdut 2416:Fruit Ninja II(第三届山东省省赛原题,数学题)
Fruit Ninja IITime Limit: 5000MS Memory limit: 65536K题目描述Have you ever played a popular game named "Fruit Ninja"?Fruit Ninja (known as Fruit Ninja HD ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-04-28 05:10:47    阅读次数:582
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