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Introduction to JSON
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is most widely used data format for data interchange on the web. This data interchange can happen between two comput ...
分类:Web程序   时间:2020-05-19 00:31:34    阅读次数:66
参考:https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/250943/what is the difference between episode and epoch in deep q learning 训练时,一个epoch中有很多的episode。 如果数据集 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-05-17 17:53:49    阅读次数:171
背景说明: 表来源于Oracle 11g内置的hr.employees表。 变量为page(第几页)、size(每页记录数) , 我们都知道查询条件的判断逻辑很简单, 就是rownum >= (page-1)*size并且rownum < page*size, 为什么一个是小于等于, 一个是大于, ...
分类:数据库   时间:2020-05-16 10:33:47    阅读次数:81
where 条件查询
比较运算符 > < <= >= <> != select * from employee where sex='male'; select * from employee where id>10; select * from employee where salary between 10000 a ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-05-16 00:33:25    阅读次数:212
1036 Boys vs Girls
This time you are asked to tell the difference between the lowest grade of all the male students and the highest grade of all the female students. Inp ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-05-12 15:19:35    阅读次数:71
MySQL优化 1. 避免使用 select 你需要什么信息,就查询什么信息,查询的多了,查询的速度肯定就会慢 2. 当你只需要查询出一条数据的时候,要使用 limit 1 比如你要查询数据中是否有男生,只要查询一条含有男生的记录就行了,后面不需要再查了,使用Limit 1 可以在找到一条数据后停止 ...
分类:数据库   时间:2020-05-09 01:16:13    阅读次数:73
CF1051F The Shortest Statement
题目 You are given a weighed undirected connected graph, consisting of n vertices and m edges. You should answer q queries, the i th query is to find th ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-05-08 22:56:50    阅读次数:83
先po一个基准测试结果 package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "strings" "testing" ) const v = "Measure the elapsed time between sending a data octet with a?" func B ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-05-06 12:15:19    阅读次数:59
PAT甲级:1036 Boys vs Girls (25分)
PAT甲级:1036 Boys vs Girls (25分) 题干 This time you are asked to tell the difference between the lowest grade of all the male students and the highest gra ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-05-05 10:32:02    阅读次数:63
Oracle_限定查询 说明:以前学过,快忘了,查看了其他前辈资料,自己动手操作记录了一下。若有不对之处,欢迎指出 2、限定查询 限定查询,使用where子句,用于指定限定条件,在where子句后可以增加多个条件,最常见的条件就是基本的关系运算:>、>=、<、<=、!=(<>)、BETWEEN、AN ...
分类:数据库   时间:2020-05-04 15:23:46    阅读次数:74
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