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搜索关键字:always on    ( 2020个结果
Porting from Oracle to MySQL
A potential customer asked my about porting her application from Oracle Database to MySQL.I always try to start with the "why" (a dear friend bought m...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-12-23 00:04:30    阅读次数:329
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-12-17 22:35:24    阅读次数:361
iOS8 定位新增功能
从iOS诞生之日起,系统便配带了定位功能,随着无线互联网的需求,移动功能的日新月异的变化,以及iOS的不断升级,定位功能都有不断的更新,自iOS7加入了iBeacon,为无线移动推送提供了更多的变数以后,在iOS8里面定位功能也有不俗的表现。 Core Location framework的变化主要有以下几点: 1. 在定位状态中引入Always 和WhenInUse的概念。 2. 加入Vi...
分类:移动开发   时间:2014-12-17 18:42:17    阅读次数:294
Solve equation
Description You are given two positive integers A and B in Base C. For the equation: A=k*B+d We know there always existing many non-negative pairs (k, d) that satisfy the equation above. Now...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-16 21:05:09    阅读次数:244
今天同学给我说FIR滤波器的时序对不上,他说乘法器延迟太大,就用左移了,可是仿真时左移还是2周期才能移完,移位寄存器代码如下:always @(posedge clk)begin a <= {in[8:0],0}; out <=a;end 看见这段代码之后我立即认识到这是通过两个周期完成的事情,第一...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-16 18:25:30    阅读次数:171
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-16 00:53:01    阅读次数:415
MySQL 备份和恢复
方案:Full backups are necessary, but it is not always convenient to create them. They produce large backup files and take time to generate. They are not...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-12-13 23:20:00    阅读次数:303
Problem Description Zty is a man that always full of enthusiasm. He wants to solve every kind of difficulty ACM problem in the world. And he has a habit that he does not like to solve a problem th...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-13 15:11:40    阅读次数:227
NYOJ 216 A problem is easy【数学题】
化简一下即可 A problem is easy 时间限制:1000 ms  |  内存限制:65535 KB 难度:3 描述When Teddy was a child , he was always thinking about some simple math problems ,such as “What it’s 1 cup of wate...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-13 09:38:30    阅读次数:226
实验室学长让我重新把verilog书看看,拿起以前的课本就看了起来。有些新的东西在这记下了。 关于阻塞和非阻塞赋值,记住八大原则: 1、时序电路建模时,用非阻塞赋值; 2、锁存器电路建模时,用非阻塞赋值; 3、用always块建立组合逻辑电路时,用阻塞赋值; 4、在同一个always块中建立时序和组合逻辑电路时,用非阻塞赋值; 5、在同一个always块中不要既用非阻塞赋值又用...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-12-11 21:00:43    阅读次数:210
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