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搜索关键字:二叉树路径    ( 40个结果
112. Path Sum二叉树路径和
[抄题]: Given a binary tree and a sum, determine if the tree has a root-to-leaf path such that adding up all the values along the path equals the given ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-03-11 14:15:02    阅读次数:124
39. Combination Sum
39. Combination Sum 题目 解析 像这种结果要求返回所有符合要求解的题十有八九都是要利用到递归,而且解题的思路都大同小异,相类似的题目有 Path Sum II 二叉树路径之和之二,Subsets II 子集合之二,Permutations 全排列,Permutations II ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-02-04 22:44:24    阅读次数:204
[LeetCode]Path Sum系列
1.二叉树路径求指定和,需要注意的是由于有负数,所以即使发现大于目标值也不能返回false,而且返回true的条件有两个,到叶节点且等于sum,缺一不可 2. 3. 4. ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-01-27 20:10:32    阅读次数:123
257. Binary Tree Paths 二叉树路径
Given a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths.For example, given the following binary tree: 1 / \ 2 3 \ 5 All root-to-leaf paths are:["1->2->5", ... ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-07-08 13:25:16    阅读次数:142
LeetCode 257. Binary Tree Paths (二叉树路径)
Given a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths. For example, given the following binary tree: All root-to-leaf paths are: 题目标签:Tree 这道题目给了我们一个二叉树, ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-07-05 21:13:19    阅读次数:99
LeetCode 112. Path Sum (二叉树路径之和)
Given a binary tree and a sum, determine if the tree has a root-to-leaf path such that adding up all the values along the path equals the given sum. F ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-07-04 09:55:58    阅读次数:178
437. 二叉树路径的和 Path Sum III
You are given a binary tree in which each node contains an integer value.Find the number of paths that sum to a given value.The path does not need to ... ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-06-10 23:36:02    阅读次数:248
leetCode 257. Binary Tree Paths 二叉树路径
257.BinaryTreePathsGivenabinarytree,returnallroot-to-leafpaths.Forexample,giventhefollowingbinarytree:1 /23 5Allroot-to-leafpathsare:["1->2->5","1->3"]思路:1.采用二叉树的后序遍历非递归版2.在叶子节点的时候处理字符串代码如下:/** *Definitionfora..
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-08-07 09:46:18    阅读次数:130
[LintCode] Binary Tree Paths 二叉树路径
Given a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths.ExampleGiven the following binary tree: 1 / \2 3 \ 5All root-to-leaf paths are:[ "1->2->5", "1->3"] ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-06-06 06:51:39    阅读次数:193
;哈夫曼树 1.路径长度 路径上分支的数目(连续的数目) 2树T的路径长度 从树的跟到其余每个节点的路径长度之和记作PL(T) 最优二叉树路径最小,也看作是平衡的,如跟到任何一个叶子节点的距离一样也算平衡二叉树(哈夫曼树就是这么从平衡二叉树的另外一种定义,AVL高度差绝对值小于2) ;保存树的高度 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-06-05 22:45:13    阅读次数:212
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