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斯坦福大学 机器学习 相关知识点介绍
1 机 器 学 习 介 绍1 机器学习介绍 “机器学习研究的是如何赋予计算机在没有被明确编程的情况下仍能够学习的能力。 (Field of study that fives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.)” “对于某个任务 T 和表现的衡量 P,当计算机程序在该任务 T 的表...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-21 22:40:03    阅读次数:229
hdu4417 树状数组(求指定区间比指定数小的数的个数)
http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=4417 Problem Description Mario is world-famous plumber. His “burly” figure and amazing jumping ability reminded in our memory. Now the poor princess i...
分类:编程语言   时间:2015-04-05 11:59:31    阅读次数:177
Interactive pivot tables with R(转)
I love interactivepivot tables. That is the number one reason why I keep using spreadsheet software. The ability to look at data quickly in lots of di...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-03 16:50:06    阅读次数:215
本系列博文记录斯坦福大学公开课-机器学习课程的学习笔记。Machine Learning definitionArthur Samuel(1959): Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being exp...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-29 19:23:18    阅读次数:151
Sicily 1321. Robot
1321. Robot Constraints Time Limit: 1 secs, Memory Limit: 32 MB Description Karell Incorporated has designed a new exploration robot that has the ability to explore new terrains, thi...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-29 13:44:15    阅读次数:243
SPSS Clementine 数据挖掘入门1
SPSSClementine是Spss公司收购ISL获得的数据挖掘工具。在Gartner的客户数据挖掘工具评估中,仅有两家厂商被列为领导者:SAS和SPSS。SAS获得了最高ability to execute评分,代表着SAS在市场执行、推广、认知方面有最佳表现;而SPSS获得了最高的comple...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-18 17:44:03    阅读次数:155
Converting slapd.conf to a Directory Based Configu
OpenLDAP 2.4 OpenLDAP 2.4?provides some great new features over 2.3. Notable among them are the ability to store configuration data in the directory and change values on the fly. Adding a Schema ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-13 20:55:35    阅读次数:215
hdu 2860 Regroup(并查集)
题意: AP x yA recruit with ability rate x were asked to join company y. (0<=x<2^31, 0<=y<n)MG x yCompany x and company y is merged. The new company is n...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-12 16:43:57    阅读次数:110
【SICP练习】106 练习3.7
练习3-7原文Exercise 3.7. Consider the bank account objects created by make-account, with the password modification described in exercise 3.3. Suppose that our banking system requires the ability to make j...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-11 19:41:24    阅读次数:132
http://www.cnblogs.com/levone/p/3531054.html#2898984 1.4 模型评估与模型选择 泛化能力(generalization ability):学习方法对未知数据的预测能力。 过拟合(over-fitting):学习时选择的模型所包含...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-10 11:42:10    阅读次数:240
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