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搜索关键字:computer vision    ( 3069个结果
Search Inside Yourself Mindfulness Based Emotional Intelligence Module 101 Introduction To Emotional Intelligence Good morning everybody. Thank you al ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-26 01:38:30    阅读次数:61
CSI4142 Project 2019
University of OttawaSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceCSI4142 Project 2019Crime Data MartThis document contains the requirements fo ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-25 20:07:57    阅读次数:78
HDU - 2196 Computer
" HDU 2196 Computer" ~~经发现~~ ,答案就是到直径2个端点距离的较大值。然后先搞出直径,再从直径2端分别开始,求出每个点与它的距离,取较大值。 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-25 14:50:25    阅读次数:60
计算机视觉 Computer Vision 综述
1. 计算机视觉的任务 (1)图像分类(Image Classification) ,指的是图像中是否存在某种物体,对图像进行特征描述。通过是CNN网络,结构基本是由卷积层、池化层以及全连接层组成,算法包括AlexNet(2012)、ZFNet(2013)、GoogleNet(2014)、VGGNe ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-22 15:36:41    阅读次数:90
Virtual Memory
Virtual memory is a memory management capability of an operating system (OS) that uses hardware and software to allow a computer to compensate for phy ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-22 10:16:08    阅读次数:79
[Algorithm] 474. Ones and Zeroes
In the computer world, use restricted resource you have to generate maximum benefit is what we always want to pursue. For now, suppose you are a domin ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-20 09:18:04    阅读次数:62
(1)通过最简单的选择和循环实现(但代码过长) import random computer_win_count = 0people_win_count = 0 while True: computer = random.randint(0,2) people = int(input("请做出选择( ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-19 23:41:05    阅读次数:238
由于使用相关第三方库时,添加依赖idea提示can't solve**********等问题,解决办法 将sdk vision 修改为上一版本。 添加依赖后,使用Project Structure中declared dependencies对添加的依赖进行应用,要等gradle sync运行完后才能 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-18 14:47:45    阅读次数:100
Vova promised himself that he would never play computer games... But recently Firestorm — a well-known game developing company — published their newes ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-17 18:10:55    阅读次数:91
AVS AVL 模板匹配
https://docs.adaptive vision.com/current/studio/machine_vision_guide/TemplateMatching.html 模板匹配 Template Matching 简单模板匹配 Naive Template Matching 1. 基本 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-14 14:29:55    阅读次数:66
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