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搜索关键字:pointers on c    ( 570个结果
【BZOJ4385】[POI2015]Wilcze do?y【单调队列】【前缀和】【Two Pointers】
【题目链接】 题解: 如果区间[j, i]固定,那么一定是将权值最大的一段变为0。 用单调队列维护一段区间内权值最大的子段下标(这里记录右端点下标,设为x),枚举右端点i,用尺取法计算出j。 一段区间[j, i]合法的条件是sum[i] - sum[j - 1] - (sum[x] - sum[x - d]) 复杂度: 时间复杂度:因为每个点最多遍历2次,复杂度为O(n)...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-05-12 22:08:36    阅读次数:238
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
Follow up for problem "Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node". What if the given tree could be any binary tree? Would your previous solution sti ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-05-11 23:16:15    阅读次数:191
LeetCode OJ 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
Given a binary tree Populate each next pointer to point to its next right node. If there is no next right node, the next pointer should be set to NULL ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-05-04 19:06:22    阅读次数:129
NSValue对象是用来存储一个C或者Objective-C数据的简单容器。它可以保存任意类型的数据,比如int,float,char,当然也可以是指pointers, structures, and object ids(NSNumber只能保存基本数据类型,不能保存结构体)。NSValue类的目 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-05-04 09:02:22    阅读次数:184
Template : Two Pointers & Hash -> String process
Reference : https://leetcode.com/discuss/72701/here-10-line-template-that-can-solve-most-substring-problems 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Cha ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-05-02 11:52:27    阅读次数:279
1. 最常见情况 2. Reference to Const 3. Pointers and Const 4. Const的不同Level 5. const与Class 5.1 const member function - 函数的末尾有const 5.2 返回值使用const Reference ... ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2016-04-22 09:25:51    阅读次数:174
Leetcode 116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
Given a binary tree Populate each next pointer to point to its next right node. If there is no next right node, the next pointer should be set to NULL ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-04-14 15:49:00    阅读次数:93
117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-04-03 16:02:02    阅读次数:166
116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-04-03 15:50:34    阅读次数:167
117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
Followupforproblem"PopulatingNextRightPointersinEachNode".Whatifthegiventreecouldbeanybinarytree?Wouldyourprevioussolutionstillwork?Note:Youmayonlyuseconstantextraspace.Forexample,Giventhefollowingbinarytree,1 /23 /\457Aftercallingyourfunction,thetreesh..
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-03-17 19:59:37    阅读次数:212
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