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搜索关键字:win10 iot core    ( 25066个结果
CentOS Linux Install Core Development
How do I install all developer tools such as GNU GCC C/C++ compilers, make and others, after installing CentOS from a shell prompt?you can following the nest line do ,install almost all development to...
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-06-07 01:23:47    阅读次数:317
1、错误描述 freemarker.core.ParseException: Token manager error: freemarker.core.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 16, column 50. Encountered: "\uff01" (65281), after : "" in course.ftl at freemarker...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-05 07:59:23    阅读次数:364
ckeditor for java 的配置教程
最近做的一个小项目中的用到ckeditor就去官网看了一下如何使用? 1、到官网下载ckedtor的包和ckeditor-java-core-3.5.3.zip和ckeditor-java-3.6.4.war这两个我下的时候都是最新的 2、将ckeditor-java-core-3.5.3.zip解压其中有三个包但是只有一个有用将不含有javadoc和sources的那个包放进web项...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-06-05 02:52:51    阅读次数:347
MySQL Cluster Core Concepts NDBCLUSTER (also known as NDB) is an in-memory storage engine offering high-availability and data-persistence features. NDBCLUSTER(也叫做NDB)是一种提供了高可用性和数据持久性特征的内存式存储引擎。...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-06-03 05:51:53    阅读次数:469
The Performance Analysis of MENCODER with PARROT
1 ENVIRONMENTS                             Table 1 ENV A CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 4870 @ 2.40GHz 10-core Memory 100G Linux Version 3.11.0 Ubuntu Version ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-02 23:27:40    阅读次数:397
1、错误描述 freemarker.core.ParseException: Encountered "string" at line 21, column 21 in type.ftl. Was expecting one of: "}" ... "." ... "[" ... "(" ... "?" ... "!" ... ......
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-02 23:10:09    阅读次数:327
[翻译] About Core Image
About Core ImageCore Image is an image processing and analysis technology designed to provide near real-time processing forstill and video images. It ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-31 18:22:41    阅读次数:289
第12章 DOM2和DOM3DOM1级主要定义的是HTML和XML文档的底层结构。DOM2和DOM3则在这个结构的基础上引入了更多的交互能力,也支持更高级的XML特性DOM2和DOM3级分为许多模块,分别描述了DOM的某个非常具体的子集DOM2级核心(DOM Level 2 Core):在1级核心基...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-05-31 14:05:01    阅读次数:298
magento controller直接渲染Block
class Jago_Deal_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action{ public function ajaxAction() { $block = $this->getLayout()->cr...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-29 15:36:20    阅读次数:287
java_model_dao_自动生成_generator-mybatis-generator-1.3.2 基于maven插件
用mybatis原因很简单,易用,性能。是介于jdbc和hibernate之间的一个完美方案。很简单:1:配置pom 4.0.0 com.test.database dao-core 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT org.myba...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-05-29 15:27:04    阅读次数:625
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