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搜索关键字:doctor who    ( 2627个结果
You Should Fall In Love With Someone Who InspiresYouFEB. 5, 2014BySTEPHANIE ALTHOFThere’s one trait that I continuously find myself coming back to whe...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-24 07:45:20    阅读次数:264
chmod 命令
文件/目录权限设置命令:chmod 这是Linux系统管理员最常用到的命令之一,它用于改变文件或目录的访问权限。该命令有两种用法: 用包含字母和操作符表达式的文字设定法 其语法格式为:chmod [who] [opt] [mode] 文件/目录名 其中who表示对象,是以下字母中的一个或组合: u:...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-19 10:28:23    阅读次数:207
POJ 2886 Who Gets the Most Candies(线段树+约瑟夫环)
题目链接:POJ 2886 Who Gets the Most Candies【题目】N个孩子顺时针坐成一个圆圈,从1~N编号,每个孩子手中有一张标有非零整数的卡片。第K个孩子先出圈,如果他手中卡片上的数字A>0,下一个出圈的是他左手边第A个孩子。A0, 因为这个人出去了,那么后面的人的编号都会先减...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-19 10:25:12    阅读次数:193
T. E. Lawrence was a controversial figure during World War I. He was a British officer who served in the Arabian theater and led a group of Arab nationals in guerilla strikes against the Ottoman Empir...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-18 15:17:29    阅读次数:316
英文原文:How to Have a Meeting That Isn't a Complete Waste of Time 一场缺乏管理的会议可以浪费时间、体力与金钱,同时毫无生产力。 但这是可以避免的。 不管是您主持会议与否,您都可以照以下的建议这么作,同时建议您的团队,让团队合作更加顺利。 会前 每场会议都会有 3 W──When(何时)、who(对象)与 why(...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-14 15:33:36    阅读次数:313
Compiling dogecoind on CentOS There seems to be some collective difficulty installing altcoin programs on CentOS. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody who has used CentOS on even a semi-regul...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-13 07:27:06    阅读次数:542
Bone Collector------HDOJ杭电2602(纯01背包问题!!!!!!详解!)
Problem Description Many years ago , in Teddy’s hometown there was a man who was called “Bone Collector”. This man like to collect varies of bones , such as dog’s , cow’s , also he went to the grav...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-13 06:58:19    阅读次数:523
两种方法:1.使用pkill命令 1.1 通过who 或则 w 查看当前连接的用户 例如: w USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE JCPU PCPU WHAT jjony pts/0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ...
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-05-12 01:32:34    阅读次数:410
类 1 using System; 2 namespace bin 3 { 4 public class Doctor 5 { 6 public Doctor(){} 7 public Doctor(string name,byte age) 8 { 9 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-09 10:29:26    阅读次数:218
Triple-Belt Press Thickening Dehydrating Belt Press
Many people who transition from 35mm film to a smaller digital camera are surprised to find that many of their digital images are blurry. The underlyi...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-08 23:51:44    阅读次数:389
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