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搜索关键字:distribute    ( 401个结果
Hackrank Equal DP
Christy is interning at HackerRank. One day she has to distribute some chocolates to her colleagues. She is biased towards her friends and may have di ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-06-21 18:27:37    阅读次数:234
pip: command not found 一系列报错
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-06-12 22:30:52    阅读次数:3286
windows XP下Python2.7包管理工具安装-setuptool,pip、distribute、nose、virtualenv
在Python开发中为了对项目进行管理和调试。必须安装一些特定的软件包。据说业内这个叫做yak shaving-做一个非常酷非常绚丽的Python项目之前,必须做的一些枯燥无味的准备工作。本文介绍了setuptool。pip、distribute、nose、virtualenv的安装。 1,pyth ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2017-05-28 11:01:35    阅读次数:157
575. Distribute Candies
Given an integer array with even length, where different numbers in this array represent different kinds of candies. Each number means one candy of th ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-05-22 13:35:23    阅读次数:200
pip -v 2.7 cp -r pip2.7 pip pip list appdirs (1.4.3)cycler (0.10.0)distribute (0.7.3)extern (0.1.0)funcsigs (1.0.2)h5py (2.7.0)Keras (1.2.2)matplotlib ...
分类:Web程序   时间:2017-05-20 15:28:35    阅读次数:377
LintCode-Copy Books
Given an array A of integer with size of n( means n books and number of pages of each book) and k people to copy the book. You must distribute the con ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-05-15 10:02:31    阅读次数:192
575. 分配糖果 Distribute Candies
Given an integer array with even length, where different numbers in this array represent different kinds of candies. Each number means one candy of th... ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-05-13 22:10:03    阅读次数:173
[LeetCode] Distribute Candies 分糖果
Given an integer array with even length, where different numbers in this array represent different kinds of candies. Each number means one candy of th ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-05-13 00:32:59    阅读次数:154
https://leetcode.com/problems/distribute-candies/#/description ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-05-09 12:37:20    阅读次数:130
[leetcode-575-Distribute Candies]
Given an integer array with even length, where different numbers in this array represent different kinds of candies.Each number means one candy of the ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-05-07 12:53:10    阅读次数:229
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