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sql server 特殊sql
select t.type,t.name 表名 from sysobjects t where t.type in ('U','v' ,'TR') and t.name like '%%';select t.type,t.name 表名,f.name 列名 from sysobjects t, sy ...
分类:数据库   时间:2021-06-28 18:13:06    阅读次数:0
How to Enable VNCR on RAC Database to Register only Local Instances (Doc ID 1914282.1)
VNCR is supported for the cluster. Use MOS note 1914282.1 to ensure you've done all the required steps How to Enable VNCR on RAC Database to Register ...
分类:数据库   时间:2021-06-28 17:54:34    阅读次数:0
package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) var jobs chan int var results chan int func work(id int, jobs <-chan int, results chan<- int) { for i := range jo ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2021-06-25 17:24:48    阅读次数:0
How to quickly check installed software versions
How to quickly check installed software versions Posted on March 31, 2020by Adam the 32-bit Aardvark There are situations where you need to check whet ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2021-06-25 17:10:48    阅读次数:0
1046 Shortest Distance (20 分)
The task is really simple: given N exits on a highway which forms a simple cycle, you are supposed to tell the shortest distance between any pair of e ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2021-06-25 16:53:38    阅读次数:0
对于猫咪的饮食禁忌,铲屎官你了解多少? 贪吃的小猫咪仿佛对于所有可以吃的东西都感兴趣,很多铲屎官为了丰富猫咪的饮食,也会给它们喂食一些除了猫粮以外的食物,例如肉类、蔬果等。但是有很多东西真的不适合猫咪吃,各位铲屎官一定要做到心中有数,否则给猫咪喂了不该吃的东西,会对它们的身体健康造成很大的影响。今天 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2021-06-25 16:31:30    阅读次数:0
Cisco Packet Tracer :PVST Self-detection Experiment
01.STP Configuration Activity 5.2.5: Configuring STP NOTE TO USER: Although you can complete this activity without printed instructions, a PDF version ...
分类:系统相关   时间:2021-06-24 17:37:01    阅读次数:0
Transformer is a show
Interpret the Transformer model with a new perspective: seeing the Decoder process as performing a stage show, and the Decoder process just like the O... ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2021-06-23 17:09:37    阅读次数:0
1235. Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling
We have n jobs, where every job is scheduled to be done from startTime[i] to endTime[i], obtaining a profit of profit[i]. You're given the startTime,  ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2021-06-21 20:22:26    阅读次数:0
【通信】基于matlab语音信号仿真【含Matlab源码 957期】
一、简介 1 整体流程设计 1.1 样本音频信号的频谱分析 1.2 对音频信号的滤波 1.3 对音频信号进行PCM编码 1.4 对编码后的信号进行汉明编码 1.5 对编码后的信号进行qpsk调制 1.6 发送信号进入AWGN信道 1.7 对接收到的信号进行qpsk解调 1.8 信道译码-汉明纠错和译 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2021-06-20 18:02:32    阅读次数:0
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