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搜索关键字:combination theory    ( 1177个结果
读书笔记: 博弈论导论 - 14 - 不完整信息的静态博弈 机制设计
读书笔记: 博弈论导论 14 不完整信息的静态博弈 机制设计 机制设计(Mechanism Design) 本文是Game Theory An Introduction (by Steven Tadelis) 的学习笔记。 机制设计的概念 机制设计的目标是设计一个可以达到期望收益的博弈。 由于这是根 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-01-28 20:57:46    阅读次数:196
[LeetCode] Combination Sum
Given a set of candidate numbers (C) (without duplicates) and a target number (T), find all unique combinations in C where the candidate numbers sums ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-01-25 23:11:12    阅读次数:176
[LeetCode] Combination Sum II
Given a collection of candidate numbers (C) and a target number (T), find all unique combinations in C where the candidate numbers sums to T. Each num ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-01-25 23:09:56    阅读次数:175
POJ2689 Prime Distance 区间筛素数
The branch of mathematics called number theory is about properties of numbers. One of the areas that has captured the interest of number theoreticians ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-01-25 13:13:52    阅读次数:169
HDOJ 4961 Boring Sum
Discription Number theory is interesting, while this problem is boring. Here is the problem. Given an integer sequence a 1, a 2, …, a n, let S(i) = {j ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-01-21 20:40:29    阅读次数:205
读书笔记: 博弈论导论 - 12 - 不完整信息的静态博弈 贝叶斯博弈
读书笔记: 博弈论导论 12 不完整信息的静态博弈 贝叶斯博弈 贝叶斯博弈(Bayesian Games) 本文是Game Theory An Introduction (by Steven Tadelis) 的学习笔记。 不完整信息的静态博弈(Incomplete information stat ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-01-20 20:35:12    阅读次数:207
[leetcode]Backtracking-39. Combination Sum
Given a set of candidate numbers (C) (without duplicates) and a target number (T), find all unique combinations in C where the candidate numbers sums ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-01-13 20:55:53    阅读次数:107
https://www.cnblogs.com/dreamworlds/p/5398535.html http://blog.codinglabs.org/articles/theory-of-mysql-index.html ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-01-13 20:47:30    阅读次数:99
Hello 2018 D
D. Too Easy Problems D. Too Easy Problems You are preparing for an exam on scheduling theory. The exam will last for exactly T milliseconds and will c ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-01-11 18:19:37    阅读次数:221
LeetCode:40. Combination Sum II(Medium)
1. 原题链接 https://leetcode.com/problems/combination-sum-ii/description/ 2. 题目要求 给定一个整型数组candidates[ ]和目标值target,找出数组中累加之后等于target的所有元素组合 注意:(1)每个可能的答案中, ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-01-08 14:55:03    阅读次数:101
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