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搜索关键字:performance monitor    ( 3614个结果
Speeding up image loading in WPF using thumbnails
Technorati Tags:wpf,thumbnails,image,performance,slow,BitmapImageDuring a recent WPF session I needed to build a ListBox that showed a bunch of images...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-10-10 00:05:33    阅读次数:299
ACM学习历程—HDU 5023 A Corrupt Mayor's Performance Art(广州赛区网赛)(线段树)
Problem DescriptionCorrupt governors always find ways to get dirty money. Paint something, then sell the worthless painting at a high price to someon....
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-10-09 22:48:08    阅读次数:269
IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface)
4.3.ipmitool - utility for controlling IPMI-enabled devices4.3.1.ipmitool4.3.1.1.ubuntu确定硬件是否支持 IPMI neo@monitor:~$ sudo dmidecode |grep -C 5 IPMI[...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-10-09 20:46:37    阅读次数:267
监控 Linux 性能的 18 个命令行工具(转)
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-10-09 16:54:07    阅读次数:490
Optimizing Item Import Performance in Oracle Product Hub/Inventory
APPLIES TO: Oracle Product Hub - Version 12.1.1 to 12.1.1 [Release 12.1] Oracle Inventory Management - Version 12.1.1 to 12.1.1 [Release 12.1] Oracle Item Master - Version 12.0.6 to 12.0.6 [Release...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-10-09 02:30:18    阅读次数:499
pl/sql Dynamic Performance Tables not accessible,Automatic Statistics disabled for this session
一、问题描述:pl/sql Dynamic Performance Tables not accessible,Automatic Statistics disabled for this session打开PL/SQL时,报的错。二、解决办法,来源与互联网:第三种方法(推荐)彻底禁掉PL/SQL ...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-10-09 01:37:27    阅读次数:373
High Performance Python 笔记(Python是门不错的语言,全栈程序员就用它好了!)
High Performance Python 目录 1 Understanding Performant Python2 Profiling3 Lists and Tuples4 Dictionaries and Sets5 Iterators and Generators6 Matrix and Vector Computation7 Compil...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-10-08 11:03:25    阅读次数:448
How to improve Java's I/O performance( 提升 java i/o 性能)
原文:http://www.javaworld.com/article/2077523/build-ci-sdlc/java-tip-26--how-to-improve-java-s-i-o-performance.html JDK 1.0.2 的 java.io 包暴露了很多I/O性能问题,这里将介绍一个优化方案,附加一个关闭同步的方法。 Java的I/O性能曾经是很多Java应用...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-10-08 10:29:25    阅读次数:394
[1] 当数据库被删除后的恢复方法 首先建立一个测试用的数据库。mysql-uroot-p123123←用root登录到MySQL服务器Enterpassword:←输入MySQL的root用户密码Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-10-04 17:13:46    阅读次数:304
(线段树)A Corrupt Mayor's Performance Art
题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5023题意: 区间更新, 区间询问;题解:区间更新, 区间询问, 一共30种颜色, 可用int 来存。地区选拔赛的一道题,当时还没怎么学线段树(只会单点更新), 这道题只能看着别人A, 自己干着急。 今天...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-10-02 16:25:03    阅读次数:284
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