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搜索关键字:performance monitor    ( 3614个结果
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-09-01 17:16:03    阅读次数:396
安装后如果需要手动添加Sevice,可以按照如下方法:Apache版本:httpd-2.2.15_win32Apache Service Monitor 提示:“No services installed”安装Service1)运行2)键入命令:cmd3)进入Apache安装目录下的bin目录:cd...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-01 10:31:12    阅读次数:228
前几天在老赵的博客上看到,Bill Chiles (Roslyn 编译器的Program Manager)写了一篇文章叫做《Essential Performance Facts and .NET Framework Tips》。这篇文章是一个14页的pdf,当时我是在地铁上在Lumia手机上看的,...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-09-01 09:15:52    阅读次数:282
《Tuning I/O Performance》读后笔记
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-31 18:48:32    阅读次数:304
scalar UDFs performance issue
refer from InsideMiscrsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Programming.You should be aware that invoking scalar UDFs in queries has a high cost when you provid...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-31 18:32:51    阅读次数:274
Spatio-temporal feature extraction and representation for RGB-D human action recognition
propose a novel and effective framework to largely improve the performance of human action recognition using both the RGB videos and depth maps. The ....
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-31 17:05:51    阅读次数:1243
WebSphere Application Server Performance Tuning Toolkit
WebSphere® Application Server Performance Tuning Toolkit 是一款基于 Eclipse 的智能工具,旨在帮助用户通过使用数据收集、数据分析和统计数据推断技术来调优 WebSphere Application Server 的性能。其目的是帮助用户查找瓶颈,并适当调优应用程序。...
分类:移动开发   时间:2014-08-30 23:09:12    阅读次数:459
MySQL复制中slave延迟监控http://imysql.com/2014/08/30/mysql-faq-howto-monitor-slave-lag.shtml在MySQL复制环境中,我们通常只根据 Seconds_Behind_Master 的值来判断SLAVE的延迟。这么做大部分情况下...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-08-30 20:26:49    阅读次数:311
Methods and systems to control virtual machines
Methods and systems are provided to control the execution of a virtual machine (VM). A VM Monitor (VMM) accesses VM Control Structures (VMCS) indirect...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-08-30 01:10:40    阅读次数:383
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