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搜索关键字:not seem to be present    ( 1730个结果
UVA11470 Square Sums【水题】
Do you know that there are squares within a square. This might seem confusing, but take a look at this.     Suppose you have a squ ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-02-10 10:52:14    阅读次数:170
【leetcode】657. Robot Return to Origin
Algorithm 【leetcode】657. Robot Return to Origin https://leetcode.com/problems/robot return to origin/ 1)problem 2)answer 只需要两个变量记录水平方向和垂直方向是否最后处在原点即可; ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-02-10 00:22:22    阅读次数:163
7K - find your present (2)
In the new year party, everybody will get a "special present".Now it's your turn to get your special present, a lot of presents now putting on the des ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-02-09 10:47:20    阅读次数:111
yaml文件中镜像拉取策略解释: containers: - name: coredns image: coredns/coredns:1.2.0 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent IfNotPresent :如果本地存在镜像就优先使用本地镜像。 Never:直接不再去拉取... ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-02-08 23:17:00    阅读次数:765
LC 592. Fraction Addition and Subtraction
Given a string representing an expression of fraction addition and subtraction, you need to return the calculation result in string format. The final ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-02-07 09:19:27    阅读次数:171
leetcode multiply-strings
题干: Given two non-negative integers num1 and num2 represented as strings, return the product of num1 and num2, also represented as a string. Example 1 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-02-06 09:12:42    阅读次数:182
寒假训练——搜索 G - Xor-Paths
There is a rectangular grid of size n×mn×m . Each cell has a number written on it; the number on the cell (i,ji,j ) is ai,jai,j . Your task is to calc ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-02-04 10:24:29    阅读次数:212
weblogic中优先加载应用中的jar包 prefer-application-packages
其他帮助连接:http://shuwen.iteye.com/blog/1124220 仅针对10.3及以上版本。 在WEB-INF下面添加weblogic.xml文件。 01 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 02 <weblogic-web-app 0 ...
分类:移动开发   时间:2019-02-03 18:17:58    阅读次数:2151
LeetCode-89-Gray Code
算法描述: The gray code is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit. Given a non-negative integer n representing the tot ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-02-01 17:06:02    阅读次数:164
布尔值 Boolean 数字 Number 字符串 String 模版字符串 template js let name:string= ; let age:number=37; let sentence:string= ; js let sentence:string="Hello,my name ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-01-30 14:21:49    阅读次数:137
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