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搜索关键字:c. kyoya and colored    ( 385个结果
【POJ】2513 Colored Sticks
字典树+并查集。 1 #include 2 #include 3 #include 4 5 #define MAXN 500005 6 #define MAXL 11 7 #define TRIEN 26 8 9 typedef struct Trie { 10 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-30 12:36:50    阅读次数:224
[LeetCode] Sort Colors
Given an array withnobjects colored red, white or blue, sort them so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the order red, wh...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-27 12:55:53    阅读次数:235
LeetCode OJ平台上Sort Colors题目算法探讨
原题如下,意思就是说无序数组(由0,1,2组成),一遍扫描,把数组整理成0,1,2这样的序列。 Given an array with n objects colored red, white or blue, sort them so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the order red,...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-18 07:12:43    阅读次数:174
Sort Colors
题目 Given an array with n objects colored red, white or blue, sort them so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the order red, white and blue. Here, we will use the...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-10 07:21:21    阅读次数:261
POJ2513-Colored Sticks
/*思路:类似图论中“一笔画”问题,两根木棒的相连接的端点是一样的颜色,(a,b)--(b,c)--(c, d)....方法:trie树+并查集, 利用trie树建立字符串和某一个节点的映射,并将这些和字符串构成映射的节点建成图, 用并查集判断图的连通*/ 1 #include 2 #includ....
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-08 21:46:18    阅读次数:330
[leetcode]Sort Colors @ Python
原题地址:https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/sort-colors/题意:Given an array withnobjects colored red, white or blue, sort them so that objects of the same col...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-06-08 20:56:32    阅读次数:394
leetcode--Sort Colors
Given an array withnobjects colored red, white or blue, sort them so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the order red, wh...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-07 20:11:53    阅读次数:234
ZOJ 3790 Consecutive Blocks
离散化+暴力 Consecutive Blocks Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB There are N (1 ≤ N ≤ 105) colored blocks (numbered 1 to N from left to right) which are lined up in a row. An...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-07 13:08:07    阅读次数:193
LeetCode: Sort Colors [075]
【题目】 Given an array with n objects colored red, white or blue, sort them so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the order red, white and blue. Here, we will use the integers 0, 1, and 2 to represent the color red, white, and...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-07 01:17:49    阅读次数:269
LEETCODE Sort Colors
Given an array withnobjects colored red, white or blue, sort them so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the order red, wh...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-05 17:49:43    阅读次数:304
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