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搜索关键字:palindromic    ( 595个结果
[LeetCode] Longest Palindromic Substring
This problem has a long story. There are just too many solutions on the web and it can be studied for a long time before you fully grasp it. Morever, ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-08 22:53:39    阅读次数:161
[leetcode 5]longest palindromic substring
1 题目:Given a stringS, find the longest palindromic substring inS. You may assume that the maximum length ofSis 1000, and there exists one unique longe...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-05 15:31:51    阅读次数:137
Project Euler:Problem 36 Double-base palindromes
The decimal number, 585 = 10010010012 (binary), is palindromic in both bases. Find the sum of all numbers, less than one million, which are palindromic in base 10 and base 2. (Please note that the...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-04 12:00:19    阅读次数:109
LeetCode【5】. Longest Palindromic Substring --java实现
Java Longest Palindromic Substring(最长回文字符串)...
分类:编程语言   时间:2015-06-02 00:27:16    阅读次数:326
Longest Palindromic Substring
关键在于写好helperpublic class Solution { public String longestPalindrome(String s) { if(s==null) return null; if(s.length()==1) return s; ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-05-29 00:51:42    阅读次数:149
leetcode 5 -- Longest Palindromic Substring
Longest Palindromic Substring 题目: Given a string S, find the longest palindromic substring in S. You may assume that the maximum length of S is 1000, and there exists one unique longest palindrom...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-05-24 14:19:55    阅读次数:146
// A O(n^2) time and O(1) space program to find the longest palindromic substring#include // A utility function to print a substring str[low..high]voi...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-05-22 00:28:09    阅读次数:110
Leetcode#5Longest Palindromic Substring
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-05-20 02:17:58    阅读次数:122
UESTC_Palindromic String 2015 UESTC Training for Search Algorithm & String<Problem M>
2015 UESTC Training for Search Algorithm & String
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-05-13 06:06:48    阅读次数:107
PE 4 Largest palindrome product(最大回文)
题目A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99.Find the larges...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-05-13 00:51:35    阅读次数:228
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