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搜索关键字:creation    ( 446个结果
Windows Images for OpenStack
This note summarizes articles from other places about Microsoft Windows images for OpenStack creation, along with some first hand experience. The whol...
分类:Windows程序   时间:2014-06-03 07:34:53    阅读次数:615
Nio学习5——对NIO.2(AIO) Reactor模式封装的拆解
我们通过nio学习了Reactor模式,但是在java7中又出现了NIO.2,新的异步框架出来了,在上节中的服务端视线中看不到Reactor的影子了,但是Netty in action中写到:But notice that NIO.2 handles threading and the creation of the so-called event loop for you.所以模式还是没变,只是封装了而已!那让我们来分解下AIO(NIO.2)的封装吧!...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-01 01:40:11    阅读次数:388
Linux System Programming 学习笔记(七) 线程
1. Threading is the creation and management of multiple units of execution within a single process二进制文件是驻留在存储介质上,已被编译成操作系统可以使用,准备执行但没有正运行的休眠程序进程是操作系统对...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-05-28 01:00:31    阅读次数:313
default listener is not configured in grid infrastructure home
Oracle Restart enable database creation requries Default listener configured and running in Grid Infrastructure home,Use NETCA in Grid Infrastructure ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-26 15:21:07    阅读次数:276
Windows 服务开发框架介绍 - Topshelf
关于 TopShelfTopshelf is a framework for hosting services written using the .NET framework. The creation of services is simplified, allowing developers ...
分类:Windows程序   时间:2014-05-10 00:58:45    阅读次数:546
15句柄图形(Handle Graphics)15.1图形窗的产生和控制(Figure window creation and control)clf 清除当前图close 关闭图形figure 打开或创建图形窗口gcf 获得当前图的柄openfig 打开图形refresh 刷新图形shg 显示图形...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-06 09:39:42    阅读次数:330
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