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搜索关键字:simultaneous builds    ( 452个结果
最近在做winform的编程,想到一真没有使用过ExecuteReader。可能以前以后它的用户不大,或者不大好用,故没有用过。今天在这里将学习记录写下来,供读者参考:1、MSDN上说:Sends theCommandTextto theConnectionand builds aSqlDataRe...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-27 01:03:03    阅读次数:290
TI C66x DSP硬件信号量 - 1
In a multicore environment—where system resources must be shared—it is important to control simultaneous accesses to the available resources. To ensure correct system operation, it is necessary to lim...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-22 07:18:54    阅读次数:308
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