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搜索关键字:convert-to    ( 4765个结果
构建ASP.NET MVC4+EF5+EasyUI+Unity2.x注入的后台管理系统(37)-文章发布系统④-百万级数据和千万级数据简单测试
我想测试EF在一百万条数据下的显示时间!这分数据应该有很多同学想要,看看EF的性能!服务器现在来向SQL2008R2插入1000000条数据吧declare @i int;set @i=0;while @i'+CONVERT(varchar,(@Rows*(@PageNo-1)))+' )'endp...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-06-18 21:21:36    阅读次数:302
Converter -> public static int ToInt32(double value) 你用对了么?
Convert.ToInt32() 是我们经常使用的方法,但如果我们写如下的代码,能确定它的输出值么?1 var x = 7.5;2 Console.WriteLine(7.5 + ": " + Convert.ToInt32(x));3 x = 6.5;4 Console.WriteLin...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-18 13:12:37    阅读次数:220
LeetCode:Edit Distance
Given two words word1 and word2, find the minimum number of steps required to convert word1 to word2. (each operation is counted as 1 step.) You have the following 3 operations permitted...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-17 21:43:38    阅读次数:219
严重: End event threw exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't convert argument: null
堆栈信息:2014-6-17 10:33:58 org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester endElement严重: End event threw exceptionjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't conv...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-06-17 16:02:16    阅读次数:312
如果导出中文时出现乱码,可以尝试将字符串转换成gb2312,例如下面就把$yourStr从utf-8转换成了gb2312:$yourStr = mb_convert_encoding("gb2312", "UTF-8", $yourStr); 总结 php导出Excel php导入Excel Php...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-06-17 00:55:10    阅读次数:271
Leetcode:Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree
Description :Given a singly linked list where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert it to a height balanced BST.分析:这道题目简单版是把一个排序好的数组转成平衡的二叉树...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-16 10:51:54    阅读次数:237
Leetcode | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
Given an array where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert it to a height balanced BST.递归,二分法。 1 /** 2 * Definition for binary tree 3 * st.....
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-06-16 00:33:31    阅读次数:252
asp.net 去除数据中带有的html标签
1,在控制器中实现去除html标签的静态方法//去除html标签 public static string ReplaceHtmlMark(object Contents) { string HtmlString = Convert.ToString...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-06-15 21:32:38    阅读次数:224
[leetcode]Integer to Roman @ Python
原题地址:https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/integer-to-roman/题意:Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.Input is guaranteed to be within the range f...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-06-10 17:06:11    阅读次数:261
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