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搜索关键字:katu puzzle    ( 693个结果
HDU - 1098 - Ignatius's puzzle (数论 - 费马小定理)
Ignatius's puzzle Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 7012    Accepted Submission(s): 4847 Problem Description Ignatius...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-14 09:41:13    阅读次数:151
杭电1097-A hard puzzle
Problem Descriptionlcy gives a hard puzzle to feng5166,lwg,JGShining and Ignatius: gave a and b,how to know the a^b.everybody objects to this BT probl...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-12 23:48:42    阅读次数:152
【POJ】3678 Katu Puzzle
http://poj.org/problem?id=3678题意:很幼稚的题目直接看英文题面= =#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;const int N=1000*2+10, M=N*N*4;struc...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-10 23:03:07    阅读次数:170
N-Queens问题:Then-queens puzzle is the problem of placingnqueens on ann×nchessboard such that no two queens attack each other.思路: dfs + 回溯 常用模板我的代码:pub....
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-10 21:16:15    阅读次数:152
LeetCode N-Queens
The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n×n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other Given an integer n, return all distinct solutions to the n-queens puzzle. Ea...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-10 17:16:38    阅读次数:161
Sudoku Solver
Sudoku Solver问题:Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.Empty cells are indicated by the character'.'.You may assume that ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-10 16:47:03    阅读次数:110
POJ1651:Multiplication Puzzle(区间DP 最优矩阵链乘)
题意:除了头尾不能动,每次取出一个数字,这个数字与左右相邻数字的乘积为其价值,最后将所有价值加起来,要求最小值 和最优矩阵链乘模型一样,最后取出的数决定了序,如果没学过最优矩阵连乘找重复子问题还是比较难找的 DP //180K 0MS #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int dp[110][110]; ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-09 20:54:12    阅读次数:117
leetcode 51. N-Queens
Then-queens puzzle is the problem of placingnqueens on ann×nchessboard such that no two queens attack each other.Given an integern, return all distinc...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-08 15:31:44    阅读次数:162
LeetCode --- 51. N-Queens
题目链接:N-Queens The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n×n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other. Given an integer n, return all distinct solutions to the n-queens...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-07 11:39:45    阅读次数:179
[LeetCode] N-Queens
Then-queens puzzle is the problem of placingnqueens on ann×nchessboard such that no two queens attack each other.Given an integern, return all distinc...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-04 16:45:58    阅读次数:168
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