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搜索关键字:could    ( 5457个结果
解决"Could not initialize class android.graphics.Typeface"
1.如果 没有更改工作空间,去c:\user\administrator中删除.android文件 重启eclipse 网上通常只说了这种方法2.如果 更换了工作空间 则需要将原工作空间中 your workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runt...
分类:移动开发   时间:2014-11-19 12:29:45    阅读次数:206
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number(带for循环的DFS,递归总结)
Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent.A mapping of digit to letters (just like on the telephon...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-19 12:05:22    阅读次数:204
[leetcode]Rotate Image
问题描述: You are given an n x n 2D matrix representing an image. Rotate the image by 90 degrees (clockwise). Follow up: Could you do this in-place? 基本思路: 此题要求矩阵顺时针转90度。可以找出元素选择规律: i‘ = j; j...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-19 11:26:21    阅读次数:128
How vacuum template0
[pg@h1 ~]$ vacuumdb --freeze template0 vacuumdb: could not connect to database template0: FATAL: database "template0" is not currently accepting connections [pg@h1 ~]$ psql template0 psql: FATAL: da...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-19 01:58:54    阅读次数:234
[leetcode]Rotate Image
问题描述: You are given an n x n 2D matrix representing an image. Rotate the image by 90 degrees (clockwise). Follow up: Could you do this in-place? 基本思路: 此题要求矩阵顺时针转90度。可以找出元素选择规律: i‘ = j; j...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-19 01:24:29    阅读次数:154
下载地址:http://www.apachelounge.com/下面是我安装遇到的一些问题:cmd命令行执行httpd.exe -k install,会提示ServerRoot有错(第37行),默认是c:\apache24 改为apache24所在目录。问题2:httpd: Could not r...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-11-19 00:25:24    阅读次数:227
Valid Sudoku
Determine if a Sudoku is valid, according to:Sudoku Puzzles - The Rules.The Sudoku board could be partially filled, where empty cells are filled with ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-19 00:00:09    阅读次数:386
有时候我们需要安装ruby插件的时候,会报如下错误:ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'rdiscount' (>= 0), here is why: Unable to download data from https://rubygems.o...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-17 17:34:59    阅读次数:221
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word, Version=14.0
参考地址一:点击这里参考地址二:点击这里解决方法:使用office COM元件,电脑里必须要有相对应的版本,比如Excel 14.0是对应Excel 2010Excel 12.0是对应Excel 2007Excel 11.0是对应Excel 2003使用Excel COM必须要注意版本问题,并非用最...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-17 17:20:49    阅读次数:244
[Leetcode] Valid Sudoku
Determine if a Sudoku is valid, according to:Sudoku Puzzles - The Rules.The Sudoku board could be partially filled, where empty cells are filled with ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-11-17 17:18:49    阅读次数:183
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