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How to reset Nissan 350Z SRS light on after replacing clock spring?
Car model and year: GT - 2006 Nissan 350Z RevUp DE Note : GT model of 350z has a traction control whereas the base models don't (apparently). So, if y ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2020-04-16 15:10:21    阅读次数:152
第3章 非类型模板参数:3.1 非类型类模板参数
Chapter 1: Nontype Template Parameters 第3章 非类型模板参数 For function and class templates, template parameters don’t have to be types. They can also be ordi ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-04-16 10:33:35    阅读次数:88
Codeforces Round #634 D. Anti-Sudoku(构造/水)
题目描述 You are given a correct solution of the sudoku puzzle. If you don't know what is the sudoku, you can read about it here. The picture showing the ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-04-14 12:24:00    阅读次数:126
https://blog.csdn.net/CD_Don/article/details/88070453?depth_1-utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-BlogCommendFromBaidu-1&utm_source=distr ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2020-04-13 19:27:44    阅读次数:75
Codeforces Round #631 (Div. 2) C. Dreamoon Likes Coloring(贪心好题/意识流题解)
Dreamoon likes coloring cells very much. There is a row of nn cells. Initially, all cells are empty (don't contain any color). Cells are numbered from ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-04-05 09:27:58    阅读次数:78
Don’t Cross 32 GB!
为什么不建议超过32GB? 当JVM堆少于32G时,HotSpot JVM会启用一个压缩对象指针。而如果超过32G,这个压缩对象指针就会失效 在java中,绝大部分对象都分配在堆里,然后通过一个指针(ordinary object pointers (OOP))来引用它。而指针的大小通常为32位或者 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-03-31 12:20:37    阅读次数:82
大约受到《Don't make me think》的影响,不少设计师/产品人坚信——体验就是让一切简单到极致。不禁让人开始怀疑,体验设计要真的只是做减法,那岂不「人人都是设计师」咯? 假设这个结论成立——体验就是让一切都变得越来越简单,而纸尿裤、一次性筷子、速溶咖啡等等都是「简单化」的代表作,我们都 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-03-25 10:36:27    阅读次数:158
/** * Log any invocation timeout, but don't stop server from running * 服务于服务提供者 */ @Activate(group = Constants.PROVIDER) public class TimeoutFilter im ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-03-16 17:34:03    阅读次数:56
#!/bin/bash echo "开始批量更新最新代码" for dir in `ls`; do if [ -d $dir ];then echo " "; cd $dir; echo "开始更新项目 $dir "; git fetch; echo "代码更新完成"; cd ../; fi don ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-03-13 10:21:04    阅读次数:166
Our Tanya is Crying Out Loud
Right now she actually isn't. But she will be, if you don't solve this problem. You are given integers n, k, A and B. There is a number x, which is in ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-03-08 16:02:10    阅读次数:75
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