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搜索关键字:modifying    ( 114个结果
665. Non-decreasing Array
Given an array with integers, your task is to check if it could become non decreasing by modifying at most element. We define an array is non decreasi ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2018-01-23 20:28:14    阅读次数:179
1.JpaRepository支持接口规范方法名查询。意思是如果在接口中定义的查询方法符合它的命名规则,就可以不用写实现,目前支持的关键字如下。 2.JpaRepository相关查询功能 a.Spring Data JPA框架在进行方法名解析时,会先把方法名多余的前缀截取掉,比如find、find ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2017-11-04 13:19:56    阅读次数:222
Best Practice 在编写自己的脚本时,python对于新开发人员来说是非常有用的,但是您也容易养成一些奇怪的习惯,或者编写一些不容易理解的脚本。 对于你自己的工作,这当然很好,但是如果你想和其他人合作,或者把你的工作包括在blender中,我们会鼓励你进行一些练习。 1 Style Con ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-31 20:07:49    阅读次数:231
LeetCode 665. Non-decreasing Array (不递减数组)
Given an array with n integers, your task is to check if it could become non-decreasing by modifying at most 1 element. We define an array is non-decr ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2017-10-21 14:05:19    阅读次数:521
665. Non-decreasing Array
Given an array with n integers, your task is to check if it could become non-decreasing by modifying at most 1 element. We define an array is non-decr ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-15 17:35:53    阅读次数:141
665. Non-decreasing Array
We can also do it without modifying the input by using a variable prev to hold the a[i-1]; if we have to lower a[i] to match a[i-1] instead of raising ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-13 10:22:33    阅读次数:111
665. Non-decreasing Array
Given an array with n integers, your task is to check if it could become non-decreasing by modifying at most 1 element. We define an array is non-decr ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-11 12:47:52    阅读次数:131
Modifying Containers and Images ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-09-13 23:26:27    阅读次数:267
419. Battleships in a Board
Given an 2D board, count how many battleships are in it. The battleships are represented with 'X's, empty slots are represented with'.'s. You may assu ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-09-01 11:52:32    阅读次数:209
[leetcode-665-Non-decreasing Array]
Given an array with n integers, your task is to check if it could become non-decreasing by modifying at most 1 element. We define an array is non-decr ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-08-27 12:46:07    阅读次数:175
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