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搜索关键字:programming exercise    ( 5135个结果
JavaScript中的两个等号(==)和三个等号(===):Determining whether two variables are equivalent is one of the most important operations in programming.
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-05-09 11:44:17    阅读次数:579
联合体union 当多个数据需要共享内存或者多个数据每次只取其一时,可以利用联合体(union)。在C Programming Language 一书中对于联合体是这么描述的: 1)联合体是一个结构; 2)它的所有成员相对于基地址的偏移量都为0; 3)此结构空间要大到足够容纳最"宽"的成员;4)其对...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-05-09 11:25:55    阅读次数:409
详情请参考官网:http://www.erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/records.htmlhttp://www.erlang.org/doc/programming_examples/records.html1. record本质上是tuple.2.获取recor...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-07 21:17:40    阅读次数:362
In-App Purchase Programming Guide----(七) ----Restoring Purchased Products
Restoring Purchased ProductsUsers restore transactions to maintain access to content they’ve already purchased. For example, when they upgrade to a ne...
分类:移动开发   时间:2014-05-07 17:06:59    阅读次数:869
K老在拿图灵奖时的发言:Computer Programming as an Art
很多话说得很透彻,把一些觉比较精彩的摘抄一下。... It seems to me that if the authors I studied were writing today, they would agree with the following characterization: Scie...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-07 12:57:54    阅读次数:491
iOS编程基础: Hello World App是如何运作的?
翻译 By Long Luo 原文链接:iOS Programming Basic: How Does the Hello World App Work? 译者注: 1. 由于这是技术文章,所以有些词句使用原文,表达更准确。 2. 由于水平有效,有些地方可能翻译的不够准确,如有不当之处,敬请批评指正. 我希望你享受了第一个iOS编程教程,同时已经创造了你的第一个App。在进入下...
分类:移动开发   时间:2014-05-07 08:41:41    阅读次数:381
以我的经验,大部分技术,熟读下列四类书籍即可。  入门,用浅显的语言和方式讲述正确的道理和方法,如head first系列全面,巨细无遗地探讨每个细节,遇到疑难问题时往往可以在这里得到理论解答,如Definitive Guide/Programming xx系列实践,结合实际中经常遇到的情景环境,来描述如何设计和解决问题,如cookbook系列深入,讲解一些文化,思路,甚至于哲学上的东西,真...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-05-06 14:50:51    阅读次数:559
1.把C++当成一门新的语言学习(和C没啥关系!真的。); 2.看《Thinking In C++》,不要看《C++变成死相》; 3.看《The C++ Programming Language》和《Inside The C++ Object Model》,不要因为他们很难而我们自己是初学者所以就不...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-05-05 23:56:01    阅读次数:480
主要功能:实现 网页离线加载。基本思想来源于AFCache。作者是Rob Napier(IOSX Programming的作者)。使用方法:To build, you will need the Reachability code from Apple (included). That requir...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-04 20:32:05    阅读次数:1699
Effective Java 69 Prefer concurrency utilities to wait and notify
using wait and notify directly is like programming in "concurrency assembly language," as compared to the higher-level language provided by java.util....
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-05-04 11:04:34    阅读次数:401
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