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搜索关键字:requests 、beautifulsoup    ( 5272个结果
Server2012R2 ADFS3.0 The same client browser session has made '6' requests in the last '13'seconds
本问题是在windows server2012R2系统ADFS3.0环境下遇到的,CRM2013部署ADFS后运行一段时间(大概有一两个月)后在IE浏览器中访问登陆界面点击登陆后就报以下错误 “Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.InvalidRequestException: MSIS7042: The same client browser session has ma...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-29 16:04:09    阅读次数:318
When a process running in user mode requests additional memory, pages are allocated from the list of free page frames maintained by the kernel. This l...
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-09-28 22:27:25    阅读次数:419
Http Requests for PHP
最新搜索的一些类库: 一、Requests for PHP(推荐) 官网:http://requests.ryanmccue.info 截止2014-09-28日为止,最新版:v1.6.0 for php 5.2.x 官方介绍: Requests is a humble HTTP request library. It si...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-09-28 19:36:55    阅读次数:259
HTTP Methods: GET vs. POST
Two commonly used methods for a request-response between a client and server are: GET and POST.GET- Requests data from a specified resourcePOST- Submi...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-26 18:56:28    阅读次数:176
#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf8 -*-import sysreload(sys)sys.setdefaultencoding('gbk')import urllib,urllib2import refrom bs4 import BeautifulSoup...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-23 13:35:14    阅读次数:194
Reading Papers about Distributed Replication
A. Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance 1.What’s its checkpoint? We will refer to the states produced by the execution of these requests as checkpoints and we will say that a checkpoint with...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-09-21 10:34:30    阅读次数:283
Linux I/O scheduler for solid-state drives
An I/O scheduler and a method for scheduling I/O requests to a solid-state drive (SSD) is disclosed. The I/O scheduler in accordance with the present ...
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-09-21 01:33:49    阅读次数:587
Apache JServ Protocol (AJP)
The Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) is a binary protocol that can proxy inbound requests from a web server through to an application serverthat sits behin...
分类:Web程序   时间:2014-09-20 01:06:56    阅读次数:299
Python requests
一个最简化的例子payload = {'wd': 'google', 'rn': '100'}r = requests.get("http://www.baidu.com/s", params=payload)print r.urlu'http://www.baidu.com/s?rn=100&wd...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-09-19 19:05:45    阅读次数:180
昨天晚上为了下载保存某位csdn大牛的全部博文,写了一个爬虫来自动抓取文章并保存到txt文本,当然也可以 保存到html网页中。这样就可以不用Ctrl+C 和Ctrl+V了,非常方便,抓取别的网站也是大同小异。 为了解析抓取的网页,用到了第三方模块,BeautifulSoup,这个模块对于解析html文件非常有用,当然也可以自己使用正则表达式去解析,但是比较麻烦。 由于csdn网站的robots.txt文件中显示禁止任何爬虫,所以必须把爬虫伪装成浏览器,而且不能频繁抓取,得sleep一会再抓,使用频繁会...
分类:编程语言   时间:2014-09-19 13:57:15    阅读次数:284
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