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LeetCode OJ - construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder/Preorder Traversal
不断递归的实现!!!!下面是AC代码: 1 /** 2 * Given inorder and postorder traversal of a tree, construct the binary tree. 3 * @param inorder 4 * @param...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-10 08:40:40    阅读次数:297
针对oracle数据查询的数据,行转列1.wm_concat函数:例一:select c1,c2,wm_concat(c3) from T where.... group by c1,c2查询结果自动用“,”分割例二:select c1,c2,wm_concat(c3)over(partition ...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-05-10 02:10:46    阅读次数:430
1、查询表的所有列及其属性select t.*,c.COMMENTS from user_tab_columns t,user_col_comments c where t.table_name = c.table_name and t.column_name = c.column_name and...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-05-10 01:37:51    阅读次数:422
SQL Server面试题
前几天在博客园上看到一道SQL面试题,sc是表名。老师拿来与同学分享,让大家试做,要求是:查出每科成绩都>=80分的名字,看能写出几种方法。没有主外键,没有关联,脑袋一下子就蒙了。经老师讲解指导的两种方式:第一种:select name from sc group by name having MI...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-05-09 17:48:25    阅读次数:314
数据库分页技术能够帮助浏览者更好的查看信息,不同数据库实现分页时的方法也各有不同。本文主要介绍几种不同数据库分页显示的实现方法以及高效率分页技术的三个方案。不同数据库分页技术的实现代码:1.Oracle:select * from ( select query.*, rownum rn from (...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-05-05 09:55:47    阅读次数:420
codechef Cleaning Up 题解
After a long and successful day of preparing food for the banquet, it is time to clean up. There is a list of n jobs to do before the kitchen can be closed for the night. These jobs are indexed from 1...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-04 18:25:07    阅读次数:384
《linux 内核完全剖析》上帝为什么是右移20,而不是22! dir = (unsigned long *) ((from>>20) & 0xffc)
在memory.c里面有这么一段代码。为了其中的一句话,让我内牛满面啊!  dir = (unsigned long *) ((from>>20) & 0xffc) int free_page_tables(unsigned long from,unsigned long size) { unsigned long *pg_table; unsigned long...
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-05-04 18:22:41    阅读次数:459
Codechef Nuclear Reactors 题解
There are K nuclear reactor chambers labelled from 0 to K-1. Particles are bombarded onto chamber 0. The particles keep collecting in the chamber 0. However if at any time, there are more than N parti...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-04 18:00:17    阅读次数:372
[TroubleShooting]'trn\bak' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.
?? SQL Server online consultants came across an interesting scenario where one of our client was unable to restore a native SQL Server backup successfully performed from one instance running on M...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-05-04 17:42:50    阅读次数:394
SQL 学习日志01
分类:数据库   时间:2014-05-04 17:27:23    阅读次数:456
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