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搜索关键字:algorithms    ( 784个结果
背包:它是一种不支持从中删除元素的集合数据类型,目标就是帮助收集全部的元素,并且迭代遍历所有收集到的元素。迭代的顺序不确定,并且与用例无关。主要的API: Bag() 创建一个空的背包void add(Item item) 添加一个元素boolean ...
分类:系统相关   时间:2015-06-22 16:16:04    阅读次数:239
问题:sevenzero liked Warcraft very much, but he haven't practiced it for several years after being addicted to algorithms. Now, though he is playing wit...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-21 09:15:57    阅读次数:151
In machine learning, is more data always better than better algorithms?
In machine learning, is more data always better than better algorithms?No. There are times when more data helps, there are times when it doesn't.Proba...
分类:系统相关   时间:2015-06-20 13:02:57    阅读次数:151
关于迭代器的基本介绍可以看我之前泛型编程的文章:   STL的中心思想在于:将数据容器(containers)和算法(algorithms)分开,彼此独立设计,最后再以一帖粘合剂将它们撮合在一起。   迭代器(iterator)是一种 smart pointer,关于智能指针可以看我之前的文章(智能指针)。    迭代器是一种行为类似指针的对象,而指针的各种行为中最常见也最重要的便...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-19 15:18:36    阅读次数:150
[转载] nosql 数据库的分布式算法
原文:http://juliashine.com/distributed-algorithms-in-nosql-databases/NoSQL数据库的分布式算法On 2012年11月9日 in也为稻粱故, by Juliashine本文译自Distributed Algorithms in NoS...
分类:数据库   时间:2015-06-16 01:04:44    阅读次数:166
open source libraries: BIAS
The Basic Image AlgorithmS C/C++ Library (BIAS) is the code base for research and software development of computer vision, motion estimation and 3d re...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-14 22:36:12    阅读次数:192
[Algorithms] Longest Common Subsequence
The Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) problem is as follows:Given two sequences s andt, find the length of the longest sequence r, which is a subsequen...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-14 00:30:15    阅读次数:177
[Algorithms] Longest Common Substring
The Longest Common Substring (LCS) problem is as follows:Given two strings s and t, find the length of the longest string r, which is a substring of b...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-13 23:04:33    阅读次数:120
常用的哈希函数通用的哈希函数库有下面这些混合了加法和一位操作的字符串哈希算法。下面的这些算法在用法和功能方面各有不同,但是都可以作为学习哈希算法的实现的例子。1.RS从RobertSedgwicks的Algorithms in C一书中得到了。已经添加了一些简单的优化的算法,以加快其散列过程。pub...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-11 16:16:24    阅读次数:125
[LeetCode] Largest Number
Well, this problem is designed for radix sort. For more information about radix sort, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd edition has some nice examples.H...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-06-09 19:48:48    阅读次数:120
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