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[LeetCode 557] 反转字符串中的单词 III
题目: 给定一个字符串,你需要反转字符串中每个单词的字符顺序,同时仍保留空格和单词的初始顺序。 示例 1: 输入: "Let's take LeetCode contest" 输出: "s'teL ekat edoCteeL tsetnoc" 注意:在字符串中,每个单词由单个空格分隔,并且字符串中不 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-03-24 21:44:47    阅读次数:101
英文中其实没有固定搭配。 take off 起飞 不是固定搭配 take 带,拿 off 离开 飞机带人离开地面,起飞 take off 脱衣服 拿着衣服,让它离你你的身体 luckily, he took after his father. take after 继承 , (在外表、举止、性格方面 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-03-19 22:01:39    阅读次数:109
import numpy as np import pandas as pd df=pd.DataFrame(np.arange(25).reshape(5,5)) new_order=np.random.permutation(5)#不暗中哦顺序排列 print(df.take(new_order ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2020-03-09 13:32:03    阅读次数:68
Lesson 6
Memorize: 1.People are always talking about 'Problem of Youth.' 2.If there is one--which I take leave to doubt--then it is the elder peole who creat i ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-19 13:06:48    阅读次数:93
Startup Survival Tips (转 )
I’m going to take the top reasons and make a series of posts which act as a postmortem of sorts. Hopefully, they can also serve as tips for anybody wh ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-17 15:57:11    阅读次数:58
简介对称加密算法的一种,具体介绍可以参加维基百科。这里放上一幅图,方便理解其算法过程。算法实例/* take 64 bits of data in v[0] and v[1] and 128 bits of key[0] - key[3] */void encipher(unsigned int n... ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2020-02-15 10:06:43    阅读次数:122
Lesson 5 Youth
How does the writer like to treat young people? People are always talking about 'the problem of youth'. If there id one -- which I take leave to doubt ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-09 16:37:25    阅读次数:90
CSCI 1000: Survey of Computer
CSCI 1000: Survey of ComputerApplicationsSpring 2020CRN 3073Course InformationClass Schedule:Fully Online: All course materials and meetings will take ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-08 19:19:33    阅读次数:75
ylbtech-汉语-词语-淡定:百科 淡定,网络流行语。一般是指沉着、镇定,淡泊名利、淡泊一切是是非非。网络中也指一些遇事沉着镇定的人为淡定哥、淡定姐。为了表现得从容些,“淡定、淡定” 似乎已经成了口头禅。 1.返回顶部 1、 中文名:淡定外文名:take it easy,calm down,po ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-07 22:21:28    阅读次数:84
How Long Does it Take to Learn or Become a UI/UX Designer?
In this article I want to answer the question how long does it take to become a UI UX Designer? This is one of the common questions I get for those th ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2020-02-07 16:40:38    阅读次数:79
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