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搜索关键字:assignments    ( 86个结果
Nimbus启动过程 (mk-assignments 、compute-new-topology->executor->node+port、compute-executor)
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-09-09 16:37:49    阅读次数:208
初识QuartusII 9.0(破解,半加器的仿真,综合:下)
完成波形的随机设置(A,B任意给定高低电平即可,只是当作测试信号),选择任务栏Assignments【Setings】,设置Simulation mode为functional,其余保持不变点击ok。点击进行编译,点击进行功能仿真,波形如下所示。 选择波形,查看Task栏目里RTL级,点击可以生成基...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-08-02 21:27:58    阅读次数:360
async Task Button1Click(){ // Assume we're being called on UI thread... if not, the two assignments must be made atomic.// Note: we factor out "FooH.....
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-07-24 22:24:48    阅读次数:124
新手菜鸟记录如何在linux运行hdp、hldaHDP:首先根据命令格式等输入 命令、路径、语料,并开始运行。运行结束后,在结果文件中获得结果找到mode-word-assignments.dat 并运行,得到带hdp后缀的文件,即为结果文件,格式为 文本id:类id。HLDA:根据命令格式输入 ....
分类:系统相关   时间:2015-07-22 12:24:45    阅读次数:206
Sequence Assignments FRM-41830: List of Value contains no entries.
SYMPTOMS ============================================================ GL > Setup > Financials > Sequences > Document > Assign (Form Title: Sequence As...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-07-06 10:05:46    阅读次数:813
一、摘要 将Quartus II中FPGA管脚的分配及保存方法做一个汇总。二、管脚分配方法 FPGA 的管脚分配,除了在QII软件中,选择“Assignments ->Pin”标签(或者点击按钮) ,打开Pin Planner,分配管脚外,还有以下2种方法。方法一:Import Assignme.....
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-30 17:32:16    阅读次数:138
Implement a Shell by yourself -- MIT xv6 shell
Implement a Shell by yourself -- MIT xv6 shell 这个其实是作为6.828的一个小课堂作业 ... 着重分析构建思想和过程,具体代码实现去github可以找到. https://github.com/jasonleaster/MIT_6_828_assignments_2012/blob/homework1/sh.c ...
分类:系统相关   时间:2015-04-19 06:30:39    阅读次数:256
JavaFX TableView和Java Beans Pattern Convention
Computer Science II 课上的作业老师要求完成一个Course Schedule的Exporter,在后台界面需要实现三个表格:Holiday Schedule, Lecture Schedule, Assignments Schedule。某位同学忙活了半天好不容易创建了一个Tab...
分类:编程语言   时间:2015-03-30 12:51:35    阅读次数:243
【SICP练习】146 练习4.2
练习4-2原文Exercise 4.2. Louis Reasoner plans to reorder the cond clauses in eval so that the clause for procedure applications appears before the clause for assignments. He argues that this will make the...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-30 09:35:28    阅读次数:138
hdu 3661 Assignments 贪心
Problem Description In a factory, there are N workers to finish two types of tasks (A and B). Each type has N tasks. Each task of type A needs xi time to finish, and each task of type B needs yj time to finish, now, you, as the boss of the factory, need to...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-03-08 18:55:45    阅读次数:193
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