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搜索关键字:apparently in use by the system    ( 77236个结果
雁字掠过愁转浓, 身不由己漂泊客, 相知相惜难相逢......
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-07 08:16:45    阅读次数:194
STL 之 stack 源码剖析
G++ 2.91.57,cygnus\cygwin-b20\include\g++\stl_stack.h 完整列表 /* * * Copyright (c) 1994 * Hewlett-Packard Company * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software * and its do...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-07 07:40:07    阅读次数:322
No! More!! Long!!! Days... at Work!!!!
Nido Framework at Use - The diagram below shows how Nido Framework reduces the size of your DAL and BLL. Nido Framework is a reusable and highly generic code library developed using Microsoft ....
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-07 07:22:40    阅读次数:333
import org.junit.Test; public class Multiple { public void printMultiple99() { int i = 1; for (; i < 10; i++) for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) System.out.print(j + "*" + i + "=" + i * j + " ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-07 06:46:25    阅读次数:359
Gray Code
The gray code is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit. Given a non-negative integer n representing the total number of bits in the code, print the sequence of gr...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-07 06:10:17    阅读次数:370
Cracking the coding interview
CareerCup 目录 Chapter 1 | Arrays and Strings 1.1  Implement an algorithm to determine if a string has all unique characters. What if you can not use additional data structures? 1.2 Write co...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-07 04:25:44    阅读次数:320
SQL_实验2.1.3 清华大学出版社
实验目标:熟悉实体完整性,参照完整性,事务的处理; /*1.在数据库school表中建立表Stu_uion,进行主键约束,在没有违反实体完整性的前提下插入并更新一条记录*/ Use school create table stu_uion ( sno char(5) not null unique, sname char(8), ssex char(1), sage in...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-05-07 03:51:11    阅读次数:381
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class moive : MonoBehaviour { public MovieTexture movTexture; public GameObject moive_texture; public GameObject quan_bt; public GameObject...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-07 03:13:16    阅读次数:426
一、基础 1、说明:创建数据库?CREATE DATABASE database-name? 2、说明:删除数据库?drop database dbname? 3、说明:备份sql server? --- 创建 备份数据的 device? USE master?EXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'testBack', 'c:\mssql7backup\MyNwin...
分类:数据库   时间:2014-05-06 18:57:44    阅读次数:506
方法一: 在Arcmap中转换: 1、加载要转换的数据,右下角为经纬度 2、点击View——Data Frame Properties——Coordinate System 3、导入或选择正确的坐标系,确定。这时右下角也显示坐标。但数据没改变 4、右击图层——Data——Export Data 5、Use the same coordinate system a...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-05-06 15:00:20    阅读次数:403
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