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搜索关键字:waiting for    ( 888个结果
utf-8 中英文字符串截取
http://www.nowamagic.net/php/php_SubMixedString.php http://waiting.iteye.com/blog/581888 function?get_word($string,?$length,?$dot?=?‘..‘,$charset=‘gbk‘)?{ ???? ????if(strlen($string)?...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-30 20:31:33    阅读次数:162
Header() in PHP &html – Refresh (Redirect) to Location (URL) in X seconds
Case 1 : Redirect a page to a URL without waiting in PHP.1header("Location: index.php");Case 2 : Redirect a page to an URL after waiting for X seconds...
分类:Web程序   时间:2015-04-20 14:26:26    阅读次数:180
IT英语4-计算机英语缩写术语1、CPU3DNow!(3D no waiting,无须等待的3D处理)AAM(AMD Analyst Meeting,AMD分析家会议)ABP(Advanced Branch Prediction,高级分支预测)ACG(Aggressive Clock Gating,...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-20 12:57:41    阅读次数:363
线程也有生命周期,线程从创建到死亡会经历如下的过程: 创建(new)-->待运行(runnable)-->运行(running)-->死亡(dead) |_____阻塞______|(阻塞过程包含waiting、sleeping、yeild、join、blocke...
分类:编程语言   时间:2015-04-18 23:23:33    阅读次数:238
Google Code Jam Round 1A 2015 Problem B. Haircut 二分
ProblemYou are waiting in a long line to get a haircut at a trendy barber shop. The shop has B barbers on duty, and they are numbered 1 through B. It ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-18 16:06:31    阅读次数:180
在使用YUM安装软件的时候出现如下错误:          yum提示another app is currently holding the yum lock;waiting for it to exit。。。          这是应为系统中还有其他的应用在使用YUM。所以只要将YUM进程kill掉即可,使用如下命令即可解决问题          #rm -f /var/run/yum....
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-16 17:36:26    阅读次数:136
SELECT bs.username "Blocking User", bs.username "DB User", ws.username "Waiting User", bs.SID "SID", ws.SID "WSID", bs.serial# "Seri...
分类:数据库   时间:2015-04-16 11:47:23    阅读次数:213
waiting for operation while connecte的排查过程
系统使用了memcached,客户端使用了xmemcached2.0,最近系统执行MemcachedClient的get方法时一直报错误”memcached Timed out(x milliseconds) waiting for operation while connecte“,其中标红的x是...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-04-16 06:47:28    阅读次数:149
memcached Timed out(x milliseconds) waiting for operation while connecte的排查过程
系统使用了memcached,客户端使用了xmemcached2.0,最近系统执行MemcachedClient的get方法时一直报错误”memcached Timed out(x milliseconds) waiting for operation while connecte“,其中标红的x是设置的超时时间。由于本人对memcached的知识也比较缺乏,所以首次排查也遇到不少问题,这里简单说...
分类:系统相关   时间:2015-04-16 01:31:38    阅读次数:157
13. TLW_TWO_LOCK_WAIT ? TLW: Wait with two locks held (TLW_TWO_LOCK_WAIT) Waiting on a monitor while two locks are held may cause deadlock. ? Performing a wait only releases the lock on the obje...
分类:数据库   时间:2015-04-13 00:31:48    阅读次数:269
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