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AT2164 AGC006C Rabbit Exercise
"AT2164 AGC006C Rabbit Exercise" 数轴上有 $n$ 个点,每个点的坐标为 $a_i$ 。一轮操作包含 $m$ 次变换,第 $i$ 次将 $b_i(1 $n,\ m\leq10^5,\ k\leq10^{18},\ |a_i|\leq10^9$ 期望,差分,倍增 假设点 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-06-22 10:55:05    阅读次数:82
37 print "\n _exercise_6_1 \n"; 38 my %bless_function = ( #hash may be a lexical variable 39 "constructors" => "default_values", 40 "error_handling" = ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2019-06-17 10:49:47    阅读次数:159
[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 22: 22 - Diagnosis
Optional reading: Stefik, Chapter 9 diagnose as classification and abduction Exercise: Diagnosing Illness Defining Diagnosis Problems with Diagnosis a ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-06-07 11:15:17    阅读次数:98
[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 12: 12 - Logic
Why do we need formal logic? Inferences About Birds Winston Chapter 13: Page 284 Exercise: Inferences About Foos Predicates Conjunctions and Disjuncti ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-06-06 09:20:21    阅读次数:104
CMSC 216 Arduino (AVR) Assembly
CMSC 216 Arduino (AVR) Assembly Basics Exercise Spring 2019Assembly Basics Exercise Due: Fri, Apr 12, 11:30 PM1 ObjectivesThe goal of this exercise is ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-04-10 19:18:23    阅读次数:211
【Python基础】lpthw - Exercise 40 模块、类和对象
初步认识python中的类与对象,了解面向对象的编程的实例。 ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2019-04-08 13:43:39    阅读次数:130
```shell 1、$ sudo apt-get install -y git #安装 2、$ git --version #查看版本 3、$ sudo mkdir git_exercise $ sudo git init #初始化仓库 4、$ git status #是否为最新代码,有什么更新等... ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-03-26 01:27:22    阅读次数:152
python_exercise_给定一个只包含正整数的非空数组,返回该数组中重复次数最多的前N个数字 ,返回的结果按重复次数从多到少降序排列(N不存在取值非法的情况)
# 设定给出的非空数组为list_a,如下list_a = [8,1,3,5,1,2,45,8,5,7,7,8,8,8,8,8,8,5,5]# 将list_a去重,留下唯一值list_a_set = set(list_a)# 将list_a去重后的值作为字典的key放到字典中list_a_dict ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2019-03-23 22:43:18    阅读次数:598
ELEC0021 Programming
ELEC0021 Programming II 2018-19 Prof. G. Pavlou1PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 2Ordered Linked ListIn this programming exercise you are going to design, imple ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-03-17 19:50:31    阅读次数:113
CSC 115 - Lab#6 Stacks
CSC 115 - Lab#6 StacksObjectivesDuring Lab#6, week, you will be completing a programming exercise that you will hand inthrough conneX. You will learn: ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2019-03-02 20:05:34    阅读次数:167
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