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搜索关键字:palindromes    ( 345个结果
HDU 1544 Palindromes(回文字符子串)
A regular palindrome is a string of numbers or letters that is the same forward as backward. For example, the string "ABCDEDCBA" is a palindrome becau ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-11-30 21:44:26    阅读次数:171
409. Longest Palindrome
Given a string which consists of lowercase or uppercase letters, find the length of the longest palindromes that can be built with those letters. This ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-11-29 21:59:49    阅读次数:120
洛谷 P1217 [USACO1.5]回文质数 Prime Palindromes
P1217 [USACO1.5]回文质数 Prime Palindromes P1217 [USACO1.5]回文质数 Prime Palindromes P1217 [USACO1.5]回文质数 Prime Palindromes 题目描述 因为151既是一个质数又是一个回文数(从左到右和从右到左 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-11-26 21:01:38    阅读次数:165
洛谷 P1207 [USACO1.2]双重回文数 Dual Palindromes
P1207 [USACO1.2]双重回文数 Dual Palindromes P1207 [USACO1.2]双重回文数 Dual Palindromes P1207 [USACO1.2]双重回文数 Dual Palindromes 题目描述 如果一个数从左往右读和从右往左读都是一样,那么这个数就叫 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-11-18 12:51:38    阅读次数:103
409. Longest Palindrome
Given a string which consists of lowercase or uppercase letters, find the length of the longest palindromes that can be built with those letters. This ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-11-05 11:27:28    阅读次数:134
Generating Palindromes LightOJ - 1033
Generating Palindromes LightOJ - 1033 题意:添加最少的字符使得给出的字符串成为回文串。输出添加的字符数。 方法:常规区间dp。ans[i][j]表示使得ans[i][j]成为回文串最少添加的字符数。如果i和j位置的字符相等那么ans[i][j]=ans[i+1] ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-27 22:29:18    阅读次数:155
409. Longest Palindrome
Given a string which consists of lowercase or uppercase letters, find the length of the longest palindromes that can be built with those letters. This ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-23 21:41:02    阅读次数:144
UVA11584 Partitioning by Palindromes
题意:一个字符串(l<1000),问最少能分多少个回文串 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-06 13:53:45    阅读次数:114
[LeetCode] Palindrome Number
Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. Some hints: Could negative integers be palindromes? (ie, -1) If you are thi ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-02 23:10:18    阅读次数:230
Check for Palindromes
检查回文字符串 如果给定的字符串是回文,返回true,反之,返回false。 如果一个字符串忽略标点符号、大小写和空格,正着读和反着读一模一样,那么这个字符串就是palindrome(回文)。 注意你需要去掉字符串多余的标点符号和空格,然后把字符串转化成小写来验证此字符串是否为回文。 函数参数的值可 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-09-03 01:12:57    阅读次数:245
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