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搜索关键字:vacation    ( 106个结果
1.3.2 Barn Repair
It was a dark and stormy night that ripped the roof and gates off the stalls that hold Farmer John's cows. Happily, many of the cows were on vacation,...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-01-25 06:38:07    阅读次数:198
[2016-1-14]OMG美语每日笔记-?How do you find cheap flight ticket?
坚持学习英语,OMG口语非常长不错,坚持每天整理.学英语坚持最重要,学英语坚持最重要,学英语坚持最重要说三遍! otimal time最佳时间I am planing my Spring Festival vacation.What's the otimal time to buy a plane ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2016-01-14 08:36:35    阅读次数:386
bzoj4097 [Usaco2013 dec]Vacation Planning
DescriptionAir Bovinia is planning to connect the N farms (1 3, and from 1->2. Sample Output224OUTPUT DETAILS: The trip from 3->2 has only one possibl...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-09-28 23:54:09    阅读次数:282
UVA 1347(POJ 2677) Tour(双色欧几里德旅行商问题)
DescriptionJohn Doe, a skilled pilot, enjoys traveling. While on vacation, he rents a small plane and starts visiting beautiful places. To save money,...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-09-21 14:08:30    阅读次数:226
“带薪假”,英语可以译为“paid leave, paid vacation”. 例如:1. 带薪假权利应从法律上受到保护。The right to paid leave should be legally protected.2. 国务院今年至少5次正式推动员工带薪假。The State Coun...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-09-09 19:26:57    阅读次数:195
BZOJ 3550 [ONTAK2010]Vacation 线性规划
BZOJ 3550 [ONTAK2010]Vacation 线性规划...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-08-21 19:30:31    阅读次数:157
hdu 4869 Turn the pokers(组合数+费马小定理)
Problem DescriptionDuring summer vacation,Alice stay at home for a long time, with nothing to do. She went out and bought m pokers, tending to play po...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-08-17 06:26:56    阅读次数:200
POJ 3667 Hotel (线段树)
DescriptionThe cows are journeying north to Thunder Bay in Canada to gain cultural enrichment and enjoy a vacation on the sunny shores of Lake Superio...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-08-15 16:25:55    阅读次数:168
Description The cows are journeying north to Thunder Bay in Canada to gain cultural enrichment and enjoy a vacation on the sunny shores of Lake Superior. Bessie, ever the competent travel agent, ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-08-10 13:41:19    阅读次数:147
The cows are journeying north to Thunder Bay in Canada to gain cultural enrichment and enjoy a vacation on the sunny shores of Lake Superior. Bessie, ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2015-08-02 23:05:11    阅读次数:159
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