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搜索关键字:Play    ( 9713个结果
TopCoder SRM 628 DIV 2
250-point problemProblem StatementJanusz is learning how to play chess. He is using the standard chessboard with 8 rows and 8 columns. Both the rows a...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-22 23:21:17    阅读次数:348
#import "ViewController.h"#import @interface ViewController (){ AVAudioPlayer *play; int index; NSArray *audiolist; NSMutableArray *imagel...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-22 00:38:36    阅读次数:241
Lesson 11 private ['praivit] a.私人的2 conversation [k?nv?'sei??n] n.谈话3 theatre ['θi?t?] n.剧场,戏院4 seat [si:t] n.座位5 play [plei] n.戏6 loudly ['laudli] ad...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-21 14:32:06    阅读次数:373
Linux内核更新超级频繁,但是有必要时刻升级吗?个人感觉没有必要,但是你要时刻关注新特性列表,然后把自己的内核升级到离最新版本差一两个月发布的版本而不是最新版本,以保证稳定性,因为一两个月的时间足够多的慧眼会发现足够多的问题,既然自己不是Alan Cox那个梯队的大牛,最好不要在自己的生产版本上使用最新内核,当然,做试验或者Just play例外。       为什么要升级内核?是的,很多人并不...
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-07-20 00:39:30    阅读次数:309
今天是来百度实习的第四天,在项目过程中mentor说会用到play框架,当时就一个晕啊。Java还有一个叫play框架,作为一个从大三开始用java的重度javaer,居然不知道这个框架的存在,内心一阵草泥马飞过,于是乎就花了一下午研究一下。What's play framework?先来个开胃菜吧...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-19 17:15:34    阅读次数:255
搜狗输入法http://pinyin.sogou.com/linux/wpshttp://community.wps.cn/download/浏览器chrome or FireFox or opera ormaxthon播放器http://www.videolan.org/为知笔记Play on L...
分类:系统相关   时间:2014-07-19 13:32:27    阅读次数:245
How to limit Dialog's max height?
1. We can make it to play trick in code.At Dialog's show function, after app has set contentView, we can add a GlobalLayoutListener on decorView's Vie...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-18 16:30:52    阅读次数:451
play1.x vs play2.x 对比(转)
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-18 09:25:11    阅读次数:1073
ZOJ 2965 Accurately Say CocaCola
A - Accurately Say "CocaCola"!DescriptionIn a party held by CocaCola company, several students stand in a circle and play a game.One of them...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-18 00:01:04    阅读次数:239
HDU 1528 (二分图最大匹配 + 最小覆盖, 14.07.17)
Problem Description Adam and Eve play a card game using a regular deck of 52 cards. The rules are simple. The players sit on opposite sides of a table, facing each other. Each player gets k cards f...
分类:其他好文   时间:2014-07-17 20:17:43    阅读次数:381
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