Time Limit: 5000MS | Memory Limit: 65536K | |
Total Submissions: 40312 | Accepted: 18936 | |
Case Time Limit: 2000MS |
For the daily milking, Farmer John‘s N cows (1 ≤ N ≤ 50,000) always line up in the same order. One day Farmer John decides to organize a game of Ultimate Frisbee with some of the cows. To keep things simple, he will take a contiguous range of cows from the milking lineup to play the game. However, for all the cows to have fun they should not differ too much in height.
Farmer John has made a list of Q (1 ≤ Q ≤ 200,000) potential groups of cows and their heights (1 ≤ height ≤ 1,000,000). For each group, he wants your help to determine the difference in height between the shortest and the tallest cow in the group.
Sample Input
6 3 1 7 3 4 2 5 1 5 4 6 2 2
Sample Output
6 3 0
#include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> using namespace std; struct node{ int l; int r; int xx; int yy; }q[200010]; int n,m; void build(int l,int r,int rt){ q[rt].l = l; q[rt].r = r; if(l == r){ scanf("%d",&q[rt].yy); q[rt].xx = q[rt].yy; return ; } int mid = (l+r)>>1; build(l,mid,rt<<1); build(mid+1,r,rt<<1|1); q[rt].yy = min(q[rt<<1].yy,q[rt<<1|1].yy); q[rt].xx = max(q[rt<<1].xx,q[rt<<1|1].xx); } int qurry1(int ll,int rr,int l,int r,int rt){ if(ll<=l && rr>=r){ return q[rt].xx; } if(ll>r || rr<l){ return 0; } int mid = (l+r)>>1; return max(qurry1(ll,rr,l,mid,rt<<1),qurry1(ll,rr,mid+1,r,rt<<1|1)); } int qurry2(int ll,int rr,int l,int r,int rt){ if(ll<=l && rr>=r){ return q[rt].yy; } if(ll>r || rr<l){ return 99999999; } int mid = (l+r)>>1; return min(qurry2(ll,rr,l,mid,rt<<1),qurry2(ll,rr,mid+1,r,rt<<1|1)); } int main(){ while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF){ build(1,n,1); int x,y; for(int i=0;i<m;i++){ scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); int maxx = qurry1(x,y,1,n,1); int minn = qurry2(x,y,1,n,1); printf("%d\n",maxx-minn); } } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<math.h> using namespace std; const int N = 200010; int maxx[N][20]; int minn[N][20]; int n,m; void play(){ int l = floor(log10(double(n))/log10(double(2))); for(int j=1;j<=l;j++){ for(int i=1;i<=n+1-(1<<j);i++){ maxx[i][j] = max(maxx[i][j-1],maxx[i+(1<<(j-1))][j-1]); minn[i][j] = min(minn[i][j-1],minn[i+(1<<(j-1))][j-1]); } } } int main(){ while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF){ int x,y; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ scanf("%d",&x); maxx[i][0] = x; minn[i][0] = x; } play(); while(m--){ scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); int pp = floor(log10(double(y-x+1))/log10(double(2))); printf("%d\n",max(maxx[x][pp],maxx[y-(1<<pp)+1][pp]) - min(minn[x][pp],minn[y-(1<<pp)+1][pp])); } } return 0; }
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POJ 3264 Balanced Lineup(RMQ/线段树)