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Lession 5-6 When you have a cold

时间:2014-07-13 23:54:51      阅读:346      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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一 生词

sufferer 患者 sneeze打喷嚏 fever 发烧 nasal 鼻的 a runny nose流鼻涕 passage 一段,通道

stage 阶段,舞台 aspirin阿司匹林 mutual 共同的 ailment 疾病 insomnia 失眠

pace 步伐,加快 vodka 伏尔加酒 bathroom 浴室,厕所 migraine 偏头痛

go about处理 e.g. How did you actually go about making this marvelous acquisition then?

fall asleep睡着 e.g.  Poor sleepers take longer to fall asleep than good sleepers.

known to 为所熟知 e.g. You should also make your views known to your local MP 你也应该让本地议员了解你的观点

as much as 差不多,几乎 e.g. I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person.

relate to 涉及,有..关系 e.g. These people,usually men,seem unable to relate to the opposite sex.这些人,通常是男人,似乎不懂的如何跟异性相处。

adapt to 适应 

suffer from 遭受

every now and then偶尔

side effect 副作用

in the habit of 有..的习惯 e.g. I had got in the habit of going around with bare feet.

or so 大约,左右 e.g.  In a day or so he will be  as good as new.

on cloud nine - A person who is on cloud nine is very happy because something wonderful has happened.
     e.g. When the boss announced my promotion, I was on cloud nine.

Lession 5-6 When you have a cold,布布扣,bubuko.com

Lession 5-6 When you have a cold

标签:os   io   new   re   ar   c   


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