loop { var coins = this.findItems(); var coinIndex = 0; while (coinIndex < coins.length) { // 把这个封装进循环里枚举所有的硬币 var coin = coins[coinIndex]; // 金币价值3点。 if (coin.value == 3) { // 只捡金币。 var x = coin.pos.x ; var y = coin.pos.y ; this.moveXY(x, y); } coinIndex ++ ; } }
//法师+恶龙法杖 loop { var flag = this.findFlag(); if (flag) { this.pickUpFlag(flag); } if (this.canCast("summon-fangrider")) { this.cast("summon-fangrider"); } var enemy = this.findNearest(this.findEnemies()); if (enemy) { if (this.canCast("regen")) { this.cast("regen", this); } else { this.attack(enemy); } } }
27、疯狂的 Maxer
//战士注意强化装备 // 优先杀掉最远的敌人。 loop { var farthest = null; var maxDistance = 0; var enemyIndex = 0; var enemies = this.findEnemies(); // 查看全部敌人,找出最远的那个。 while (enemyIndex < enemies.length) { var target = enemies[enemyIndex]; // 是不是有敌人比我们能看到的最远的敌人还要远? var distance = this.distanceTo(target); if (distance > maxDistance) { maxDistance = distance; farthest = target; } enemyIndex += 1; } if (farthest) { // 干掉最远的敌人! // 如果敌人血量大于0就保持攻击。 while (farthest.health > 0) { if (this.isReady("cleave")) { this.cleave(farthest); } else if (this.isReady("bash")) { this.bash(farthest); } else { this.attack(farthest); } } } }
28、Sand Snakes
// This field is covered in firetraps. Thankfully we‘ve sent a scout ahead to find a path. He left coins along the path so that if we always stick to the nearest coin, we‘ll avoid the traps.
// This canyon seems to interfere with your findNearest glasses! // You‘ll need to find the nearest coins on your own. loop { var coins = this.findItems(); var coinIndex = 0; var nearest = null; var nearestDistance = 9999; // Loop through all the coins to find the nearest one. while(coinIndex < coins.length) { var coin = coins[coinIndex]; coinIndex++; var distance = this.distanceTo(coin); // If this coin‘s distance is less than the nearestDistance // Set nearest to coin // Set nearestDistance to distance if (distance < nearestDistance) { nearset = coin ; nearestDistance = distance ; } } if (nearset) { var x = nearset.pos.x ; var y = nearset.pos.y ; this.moveXY(x, y); } // If there‘s a nearest coin, move to its position. You‘ll need moveXY so you don‘t cut corners and hit a trap. }
NO.1 //更换更好的装备 // 小一点的食人魔会造成更多的伤害! // 优先攻击最少健康的食人魔 loop { var weakest = null; var leastHealth = 99999; var enemyIndex = 0; var enemies = this.findEnemies(); // 循环攻击所有敌人。 // 如果一个敌人的生命小于最小生命, // 让它成为最弱的,并设置它的生命为 leastHealth while (enemyIndex < enemies.length) { var enemy = enemies[enemyIndex] ; if (enemy.health < leastHealth) { weakest = enemy ; leastHealth = enemy.health ; } enemyIndex ++ ; } if (weakest) { // 攻击最弱的食人魔。 while (weakest.health > 0) { if (this.isReady("bash")) { this.bash(weakest); } else { this.attack(weakest); } } } } NO.2使用巫师(拥有恶龙爪子法杖) // 小一点的食人魔会造成更多的伤害! // 优先攻击最少健康的食人魔 loop { var weakest = null; var leastHealth = 99999; var enemyIndex = 0; var enemies = this.findEnemies(); // 循环攻击所有敌人。 // 如果一个敌人的生命小于最小生命, // 让它成为最弱的,并设置它的生命为 leastHealth while (enemyIndex < enemies.length) { var enemy = enemies[enemyIndex] ; if (enemy.health < leastHealth) { weakest = enemy ; leastHealth = enemy.health ; } enemyIndex ++ ; } if (weakest) { if (this.canCast("summon-fangrider")) { this.cast("summon-fangrider"); } if (this.canCast("regen")) { this.cast("regen", this); } // 攻击最弱的食人魔。 while (weakest.health > 0) { this.attack(weakest); } } }
30、疯狂 Maxer 卖光了
// 金币会在几秒钟之后消失! // 在他们消失前,收集所有的金币。
loop { var closestGold = null; var minGoldDist = Infinity; var coinIndex = 0; var coins = this.findItems(); // 找到最近的金币 // 记住,金币价值3点。 while (coinIndex < coins.length){ var coin = coins[coinIndex] ; var distance = this.distanceTo(coin); if (distance < minGoldDist && coin.value == 3) { closestGold = coin ; minGoldDist = distance ; } coinIndex ++ ; } if (closestGold) { var x = closestGold.pos.x ; var y = closestGold.pos.y ; this.moveXY(x, y); } }
31、疯狂的 Maxer 变得贪婪
// 比你的分身收集的金币多。 // 你只有几秒钟来收集金币,聪明的选择你的路线! loop { var bestCoin = null; var maxRating = 0; var coinIndex = 0; var coins = this.findItems(); // 试着计算"价值/距离"来决定你要收集哪个金币。 while (coinIndex < coins.length){ var coin = coins[coinIndex] ; var distance = this.distanceTo(coin) ; var values = coin.value/distance ; if (values > maxRating) { maxRating = values ; bestCoin = coin ; } coinIndex ++ ; } if (bestCoin) { var x = bestCoin.pos.x ; var y = bestCoin.pos.y ; this.moveXY(x, y); } }
32、疯狂的 Maxer:兑现
// 你不能到你朋友那边去保卫他们! // 告诉他们回家,弓箭手会帮助他们
loop { var weakestFriend = null; var leastHealth = 9999; var friendIndex = 0; var friends = this.findFriends(); // 告诉最弱的朋友先回家。 while (friendIndex < friends.length) { var friend = friends[friendIndex] ; var yourhealth = friend.health ; if (yourhealth < leastHealth) { weakestFriend = friend ; leastHealth = yourhealth ; } friendIndex ++ ; } if (weakestFriend) { this.say("Hey " + weakestFriend.id + ", go home!"); } }
// 使用你最聪明的编程技术来胜过你的对手! loop { var weakestenemy = null ; var leasthealth = 999999 ; var enemys = this.findEnemies(); var enemyindex = 0 ; while (enemyindex < enemys.length) { var enemy = enemys[enemyindex] ; var health = enemy.health; if (health < leasthealth) { leasthealth = health ; weakestenemy = enemy ; } enemyindex ++ ; } if (weakestenemy) { while (weakestenemy.health > 0) { if (this.isReady("cleave")) { this.cleave(weakestenemy); } else if (this.isReady("bash")){ this.bash(weakestenemy); } else { this.attack(weakestenemy); } } } }
// 你需要更好的策略和好的装备来赢得这关。 NO.1战士 loop { var weakestenemy = null ; var leasthealth = 999999 ; var enemys = this.findEnemies(); var enemyindex = 0 ; while (enemyindex < enemys.length) { var enemy = enemys[enemyindex] ; var health = enemy.health; if (health < leasthealth) { leasthealth = health ; weakestenemy = enemy ; } enemyindex ++ ; } if (weakestenemy && this.distanceTo(weakestenemy) < 40) { while (weakestenemy.health > 0) { if (this.isReady("cleave")) { this.cleave(weakestenemy); } else if (this.isReady("bash")){ this.bash(weakestenemy); } else { this.attack(weakestenemy); } } } } NO.2法师
// 你需要更好的策略和好的装备来赢得这关。 loop { var flag = this.findFlag(); if (flag) { this.pickUpFlag(flag); } var weakf = null; var heal = 99999 ; var frindex = 0 ; var friends = this.findFriends(); while (frindex < friends.length) { var friend = friends[frindex] ; var health = friend.health ; if (health < heal) { weakf = friend ; heal = health; } frindex ++ ; } var weakenemy = null ; var heals = 99999 ; var enemyindex = 0 ; var enemys = this.findEnemies(); while (enemyindex < enemys.length) { var enemy = enemys[enemyindex] ; var healths = enemy.health ; if (healths < heals) { weakenemy = enemy ; heals = healths ; } enemyindex ++ ; } if (this.canCast("summon-fangrider")) { this.cast("summon-fangrider"); } if (weakf) { if (this.canCast("regen")) { this.cast("regen", weakf); } else { if (this.distanceTo(weakenemy) < 40) { this.attack(weakenemy); } } } }
35、Sarven 斗殴
//巫师 // 活两分钟。 // 如果你赢了,本关会变得更难,更多奖励。 // 如果你输了,你必须等一天之后再提交。 // 记住,每次提交都会有新的随机种子。 loop { var flag = this.findFlag(); if (flag) { this.pickUpFlag(flag); } var enemy = this.findNearest(this.findEnemies()); if (this.canCast("summon-fangrider")) { this.cast("summon-fangrider"); } else if ( this.canCast("regen")) { this.cast("regen", this); } else { if (enemy && this.distanceTo(enemy) < 20) { this.attack(enemy); } } }
//巫师 // 用传输机躲避食人魔收集150个金币 // 如果你赢了,会变得更难(并且有更多奖励) // 如果你输了,需要等待一天再次挑战 // 记住,每次提交都会得到一个新的随机种子。 loop { var flag = this.findFlag(); if (flag) { this.pickUpFlag(flag); } if (this.canCast("summon-fangrider")) { this.cast("summon-fangrider"); } else if (this.canCast("regen")) { this.cast("regen", this); } else { var golds = this.findNearest(this.findItems()); var x = golds.pos.x ; var y = golds.pos.y ; this.moveXY(x, y); } }
37、Sarven 围困
// Defend your towers in this replayable challenge level! // Step on an X if you have 20 gold to build a soldier. loop { var item = this.findNearest(this.findItems()); var flag = this.findFlag(); if (flag) { this.pickUpFlag(flag); } else if (this.canCast("summon-fangrider")) { this.cast("summon-fangrider"); } else if (item) { var x = item.pos.x ; var y = item.pos.y ; this.moveXY(x, y); } }