package project61; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; public class P61 { static enum Type { TRIANGLE, SQUARE, PENTAGONAL, HEXAGONAL, HEPTAGONAL, OCTAGONAL; } static class Suffix { public Type type; public int val; public Suffix(Type type, int val) { this.type = type; this.val = val; } } static class State { public List<Integer> vals; public Set<Type> used; public int suffix; public State(int starting) { this.vals = new ArrayList<Integer>(); this.used = new HashSet<Type>(); this.suffix = starting % 100; this.vals.add(starting); this.used.add(Type.OCTAGONAL); } public State(State state, Suffix newval) { this.vals = new ArrayList<Integer>(state.vals); this.used = new HashSet<Type>(state.used); this.used.add(newval.type); this.vals.add(state.suffix * 100 + newval.val); this.suffix = newval.val; } } public Map<Integer, Set<Suffix>> prefixmap = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Suffix>>(); public P61() throws Exception { Queue<State> search = new LinkedList<State>(); int n = 1; boolean bounds = true; while (bounds) { int tri = n * (n + 1) / 2; int sq = n * n; int pent = n * (3 * n - 1) / 2; int hex = n * (2 * n - 1); int hept = n * (5 * n - 3) / 2; int oct = n * (3 * n - 2); if (tri < 10000 && tri >= 1000) addPrefix(tri / 100, new Suffix(Type.TRIANGLE, tri % 100)); if (sq < 10000 && sq >= 1000) addPrefix(sq / 100, new Suffix(Type.SQUARE, sq % 100)); if (pent < 10000 && pent >= 1000) addPrefix(pent / 100, new Suffix(Type.PENTAGONAL, pent % 100)); if (hex < 10000 && hex >= 1000) addPrefix(hex / 100, new Suffix(Type.HEXAGONAL, hex % 100)); if (hept < 10000 && hept >= 1000) addPrefix(hept / 100, new Suffix(Type.HEPTAGONAL, hept % 100)); if (oct < 10000 && oct >= 1000) search.add(new State(oct)); bounds &= (tri < 10000); n++; } while (search.size() > 0) { State cur = search.poll(); // System.out.println(cur); if (cur.vals.size() == 6 && cur.used.size() == 6 && (cur.vals.get(0) / 100 == cur.vals.get(5) % 100)) { int sum = 0; for (int val : cur.vals) { System.out.println(val); sum += val; } System.out.println(); System.out.println(sum); } else { Set<Suffix> candidates = prefixmap.get(cur.suffix); if (candidates != null) { for (Suffix suff : candidates) { if (!cur.used.contains(suff.type)) { State newstate = new State(cur, suff); search.add(newstate); } } } } } } public void addPrefix(int prefix, Suffix value) { if (!prefixmap.containsKey(prefix)) { prefixmap.put(prefix, new HashSet<Suffix>()); } prefixmap.get(prefix).add(value); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new P61(); } }
def main(p): Tri = lambda n: (n * (n + 1)) / 2 Squ = lambda n: (n * n) Pen = lambda n: (n * (3 * n - 1)) / 2 Hex = lambda n: (n * (2 * n - 1)) Hep = lambda n: (n * (5 * n - 3)) / 2 Oct = lambda n: (n * (3 * n - 2)) a = [[Tri, Squ, Pen, Hex, Hep, Oct][i] for i in p] S = [] for fun in a: S.append([[str(fun(i))] for i in range(1000) if len(str(fun(i))) == 4]) ans = [S[0][:]] for t in S[1:]: ans.append([]) for j in ans[-2]: for i in t: if j[-1][2:] == i[0][:2]: ans[-1].append(j + i) for i in ans[5]: if i[0][:2] == i[-1][2:]: print sum(map(int,i)) def dfs(p, l): r = len(p) if l == r: main(p) else: for i in range(l, r): p[l] ,p[i] = p[i], p[l] dfs(p, l + 1) p[l] ,p[i] = p[i], p[l] p = [0,1,2,3,4,5] dfs(p, 1)
from itertools import permutations def trig(n): return n*(n+1)//2 def quad(n): return n*n def penta(n): return n*(3*n-1)//2 def hexa(n): return n*(2*n-1) def hepta(n): return n*(5*n-3)//2 def octo(n): return n*(3*n-2) def ajout(d,k,x): try: d[k].append(x) except: d[k]=[x] listef=[trig,quad,penta,hexa,hepta,octo] listedict=[dict() for i in range(6)] listenb=[[f(n) for n in range(150) if f(n)>=1000 and f(n)<=9999 and str(f(n))[-2]!=‘0‘] for f in listef] print listenb for i in range(6): for x in listenb[i]: ajout(listedict[i],x//100,x) print listedict liste_possibilites=[] for p in permutations([0,1,2,3,4]): for x in listenb[-1]: chaines=[[x]] for i in range(5): chaines2=[] for c in chaines: try: nb=c[-1] listecontinuation=listedict[p[i]][nb%100] for y in listecontinuation: chaines2.append(c+[y]) except: continue chaines=chaines2 liste_possibilites+=chaines print liste_possibilites solutions=[x for x in liste_possibilites if x[-1]%100==x[0]//100] solution=solutions[0] print(sum(solution))
欧拉工程第61题:Cyclical figurate numbers